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Friday, May 8, 2015

What's Your Heaven?

I've been thinking about Heaven a lot lately, mainly about what it will be like and how much I want to go there....right now. 

I think I need a vacation. 

There are visuals of Heaven provided in the bible, but there's no way we could ever fathom the glory and gorgeousness of what it will be like with our limited, often distracted human minds. 

Maybe it's better that way. Maybe if we could pull up a photo of it on the Internet as if it were the moon or Milan, we would long too terribly to be there. This life would just seem too worthless and sad. 

Perhaps God purposely intended for Heaven to remain at least partially concealed, like an enticing Christmas gift resting beneath the tree and you THINK you know what's inside. You suspect it's what you've always wanted, but you're just not quite sure and it's all terribly exciting. 

It's like the Father saying, "What I have for you inside is so amazing, so let you peek would ruin the surprise - the most marvelous surprise you've ever known." 

I saw a film project once that supported the idea of Heaven actually appearing different to each individual. That while there's only one destination, it will be experienced by each of us uniquely filled with what makes us happiest personally. 

I don't support this theory for all sorts of theological reasons, and for the very truth that it would take the focus of Heaven off of God. But....what we do know is that in Heaven, there will be no pain, suffering or tears. (Rev 21:4). 

So, in a way, isn't it all we've ever dreamed of it being anyhow? If we are experiencing it with the purest, fullest joy and comfort imaginable, wouldn't we so very quickly change our dream to match?

Man, I want to go to Heaven so much. Right now. 

If you could create the landscape of Heaven, based upon what brings you the fullest of joys right now, what would it look like? 

Sometimes we need to make our own Heaven here on Earth in order to cope. We love things too much, like the Egyptians who placed their valuables and prized possessions in their tombs so they could enjoy them in the after life. 

It sounds so remarkable and freeing to think about just letting go and just GOING, after all of our years being taught to weigh down and hang on. 

Heaven will be better than stuff.
Better than love from a spouse or friend.
Better than our love for our kids. (Whoa).
Better than the most beautiful destination.

Better than it all. 

What are your personal "better than"s?

For me, Heaven will be better than a blustery fall day or a drizzling spring rain.

Better than a deep talk that lasts for hours with a favorite friend.

Better than that moment of exhilaration upon stepping onto the ground of a new country I'm visiting for the first time. 

Better than my favorite playlist. 

Better than crisp pages of an old book. 

Better than the peaceful suspension of time on Christmas afternoon. 

Better than being home alone with nothing on the calendar except bumming around.

Better than Chinese food.

Better than a very rare day where I feel the slightest shade of pretty. 

Better than when both of my kids hold still long enough for me to snuggle them and speak encouragement and thankfulness into their lives. 

Better than the donut shop down the street from my parents' house that's been exactly the same for years and years. 

Better than the most remarkable time of worship. 

Better than that moment in childhood when things still feel safe and lovely.

Better than the best dance practice of my life. 

Better than a handwritten letter or card from someone I admire. 

Better than the most intimate moments of marriage. 

Better than an amusement park at dusk.

Better than root beer floats or warm, freshly baked brownies. 

Better than hair they stays straight all day. 

Better than when someone tells me they believe in my ministry, and they tell me through action. 

Better than a guilt- free afternoon nap. 

Better than journaling at the ocean. 

Better than total reconciliation with a long lost person. 

Better than a clear, healthy mind. 

Heaven will be better than all of these things. So much better that I will completely forget about all of these wonderful yet worthless trappings here on Earth in exchange for peace, joy and the feeling of His presence. 

Heaven will be so much better. 

I want to go now. 

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