"What are you doing?" asked husband.
"I am having a party. For myself." I declared.
He looked at me strangely as I threw the kids into bed and proceeded to consume an impressive amount of spaghetti while in my pajamas at 8pm, followed by the cake.
"Hey! Where's my dessert?!"
"You didn't ask me to get you anything. So I didn't. Sorry."
Apathy. Gluttony. It must almost be summer. The signs are everywhere that we as a species are about to cocoon ourselves into a world of swimming, suntans and sleeping in.
Goodbye baseball.....
Sam's final t-ball game was this week. It was a muggy Thursday evening as two outfielders laid down in the grass, rendering 3rd base and right field useless. With a batter on 1st (continuously laying his helmet on the ground and then bending over to see if he could work his head back into it without using any hands), the final Giant stepped up to the plate.
The smallest (yet most handsome) on the team, Slugger Sam confidently gripped the lightest Easton authorized by Pony Baseball and got ready.
Strike One.
Perhaps it was because he was missing his belt due to laundry day. Maybe it was because the pitcher was distracted by one of the kids rolling around in the grass. I don't know.
Pitch two. BAM! The crowd went wild! Although, with only about 9 of us present for this final, bajillionith game of the season, perhaps we could only rightfully be called a cluster or small gang.
The smallest (yet most handsome) on the team, Slugger Sam confidently gripped the lightest Easton authorized by Pony Baseball and got ready.
Strike One.
Perhaps it was because he was missing his belt due to laundry day. Maybe it was because the pitcher was distracted by one of the kids rolling around in the grass. I don't know.
Pitch two. BAM! The crowd went wild! Although, with only about 9 of us present for this final, bajillionith game of the season, perhaps we could only rightfully be called a cluster or small gang.
Sam wrapped up the game by promptly losing his hat, which I didn't bother to look for, and he didn't even ask for a snow cone.
It's been real, t-ball. Thanks for the memories.
Goodbye school.....
I gave up on homework weeks ago. We do the projects, but the daily hw packet is simply busy work for smarty pants Sam, and I got permission from his teacher to "seek out our own enrichment." This week, they didn't even have homework. Why? Because the teachers are starting to give up, too.
You can only work through so many spelling lists and listen to your kid holler "Donde esta la biblioteca!" into their online language program so many times before you begin to break out in hives and suddenly decide that watching SpongeBob Squarepants probably won't keep them out of Harvard.
I'm logging my parent volunteer hours with vague, approximate dates because who the heck remembers when exactly the winter craft fair or taco night were? Sam wore pants the other day that balanced precariously on the border of navy (allowed) and black (not allowed). We've become car line regulars because it's unmotivating to walk your kid to class
when you're wearing shorts with unshaved legs and your hair is still in Wednesday's ponytail.
The strong majority of parents at Sam's school have yet to let themselves go, and it's super annoying to those of us who opt to look homeless in order to buy another ten minutes in bed on Pinterest each morning.
Charlotte's situation isn't much better. Her Friday show & tell selections are usually unrelated to the assignment (although I still stand firm that her Ariel doll should have counted as something from the ocean). We also forgot her lunch one day, which meant she was given a Kid Cuisine out of the preschool freezer. She loved it so much she no longer has any interest in real food. I may be done, but I am NOT buying Kid Cuisines. But you should see her eyes get huge when she spots them at the grocery store. She dreams of frozen Mac n' Cheese glory days.
Goodbye ukelele lessons....
Sam is taking ukelele lessons. The only song he knows so far is "You Are My Sunshine," which he insists on practicing only while playing along to "Eye of the Tiger." Go ahead and listen to one of those songs while singing the other....it's a special kind of magical....
Hello Summer Reading....
I signed the kids up for the summer reading program at the library yesterday. You guys, the city really wants kids to read this summer. Like, really.
Upon completed registration, the kids were given:
- a mood pencil
- stickers
- a gift certificate for a free meal at Applebee's
- a gift certificate for a free meal at Benihana
- two Kings game tickets
- free state fair rides
Just for signing up! There are more prizes if they actually read. What is going on? Sacramento is on to us parents who have given up on education until August.
Hello summer camps.....
Every year in Royal Stage, almost all of our Roseville-area participants take the summer off, and a batch of neighborhood kids come in for the camps. And every year I panic about finances, even though God always works it out, and our classes always fill up again in August.
I can't really blame the parents, who say things like,
"We don't like to have any schedule over summer."
"We are going to swim. Probably...."
"But we have a boat...."
I totally get it. I applaud the intense amount of stress you bring into my life because I completely understand.
Be free, dance moms, be free!
The stretch of futility has arrived and we are crawling along. 10 days until school's out. 8 days until swim lessons, 15 days until summer camp. 74 days until Hawaii.
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