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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Farewell to the Threenager

I had a small gift ready for eager hands yesterday morning, along with a bundle of new princess stickers. Gold balloons were tied to the chairs & chandelier with lace ribbon, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of commercialized character goodies, there was an obligatory Anna & Elsa balloon. Her name was spelled out in some scrapbook paper remnants, and when she woke up, we of course had pancakes. 

And then she was 4. 

Charlotte came into my life right when I needed her. We were in the midst of a gut-wrenching life transition when
I found out I was pregnant, and she diverted my focus away from some very painful things. She gave me a renewed purpose in a way. 

On the day she was born, it suddenly started to hail. This year she brought the freak weather along with her again as we enjoyed thunder and lightning in the middle of May. 

She spent the first 6 months of her life silently judging the world - this girl could frown! I knew we were in for it. 

Then, she turned into a bright blue-eyed goof and has upheld that reputation ever since. 

She is the most ticklish person on Earth, with even the very threat sending her into a sea of giggles. She loves princesses and pink (purple the most....but no one's perfect...), and she's friendly and bright. More often than not, she is a little sass and challenges me in ways her brother hasn't. 

She's my wingman. She's always near me and wanting to do what I do and be where I am. 

Some days I just have to breathe and remind myself that even when it takes twice as long to get things done, these days are fleeting and one day I'll miss her being under my feet. 

She loves her trampoline, gymnastics and being outside. She is a girly girl with a tough side, and she shares with me a passion to do things that scare her just to prove fear wrong. 

She's already a gifted artist, a logical thinker (thank you, Warta genes!) and a terrible singer. She has a head full of blonde curls that swirl tighter on rainy days and she hates to leave the house without her nails done. 

Charlotte is such a fun combination of excessive frivolity and determined chutzpah, that knowing her is an exciting little roller coaster of childhood glee and precocious insight. 

And now she is four. 

Today was her first real "friend party"  made up of her current tiny colleagues and her favorite grownups. We chose a pancake theme because Charlotte wants pancakes...All. The. Time. 

We go to sushi, she asks for pancakes. 
We go to mexican, she wants pancakes. 
I could make pancakes with my eyes closed and also tell you right away which places around town serve the best kids pancakes for the best price. 

I wanted to do something different, so we opted to have her party at 9:30 in the morning. We invited everyone to come in their pajamas, and it was wonderful having a party no one really had to get ready for! 

We had plain & blueberry pancakes, pop tarts & donuts, bacon, tater tots and a pancake decorating station with chocolate, strawberries, bananas, Nutella, marshmallows, chocolate chips, honey, peach yogurt, whipped cream and of course rainbow sprinkles. 

The decorating station got bum rushed by little eaters before I could get a photo. I love feeding people. I hope as my kids grow older, our house becomes a reliable spot to eat good food and leave happy and sleepy. 

Frank's mom made a Texas sheet cake and of course, we stuck a stack of tiny pancakes on top. 

Charlotte had a wonderful crew of friends she's growing up with. I'm thankful for them and their amazing parents. It's a wonderful thing to feel your children are safe in "a village." 

    Char in our backyard in her jammies with her sweet friend, Jayden. 

    We are going to miss Allie so, so    
    much after they move next month. My 
    heart aches. 

    "Say, pancakes!" 

    In case of a zombie apocalypse, all the kids can take shelter on our trampoline...

    Her favorite gift (and my worst nightmare). 

Happy birthday, my sweet, sassy, silly Charlotte June. I hope you grow up feeling loved, valued, and confident in yourself and the abilities God has and will bless you with. You invited Jesus into your heart this year, and I know He has a hand on you as I watch your compassionate spirit toward people and animals (especially kittens - your tiny voice hits new high ranges whenever you see one.) At your baby dedication, the pastor prophesied that you would live a life like Mary as opposed to Martha - eager to sit at the feet of Jesus and take His words in. May you never feel rushed to please others before pleasing the Lord, and may God grant me the wisdom and perseverance to always be a mommy you can trust and count on. 

And off we run toward 5! 

You are loved. 

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