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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Whatever is Lovely

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Eph 4:8 

I have committed this verse to memory after someone wise in my life reminded me of it. I am focusing on that which is lovely. I need to right now. It's the net that's catching me over and over again. 

My life is lovely because.....

1. This boy 

2. This girl

3. This man 

4. These friends 

5. This church 

6. This weather 

7. The next generation of RS 

8. And the current one

9. Having all we need 

10. Medicine that helps 

11. People who pray 

12. Autumn celebrations 

13. Past memories that teach 

14. The future to come 

15. A creative world

16. God's amazing creation 

17. The amazing children mine get to grow up with. 

18. Going out to breakfast 

19. India. Everything India. 

20. The incredible school Sam attends

21. Passed on traditions 

22. Sunsets

23. Naps. 

24. A pastor who pastors for the right reasons. 

25. Baseball games 

26. Autumn everything.

27. Any excuse to dress up. 

28. Another chance each day to see ourselves as God sees us. 

29. The fact my daughter is best friends with my best friend's daughter. 

30. Shopping! 

31. Family. 

32. Handwritten letters

33. Dance 

34. Dream homes 

35. Thanksgiving 

36. Bingo! 

37. Writing, journaling, releasing. 

38. Someone just willing to be there. 

39. God. Always God.

No matter what happens, each day I am exchanging a day of my life for it. There is a reason for it. Even if it's just to say at the end I made it through. That's more than a lot of people are given the right to. 

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