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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why 2013 Was the Best Year Ever

2013 was the best year ever. Seriously. It was filled with tremendous challenges and searing emotional/mental struggle - but it will go down in history as one of my most favorite years.


Because through adversity, I learned who I really am.

I had some of my best talks with God.

I stared past pain right in the face and God told me I'm a princess. I am the daughter of a KING. And that's not me being stuck up - you are too! We are all royalty if we choose to step into the throne room.

I wouldn't change a moment of 2013 because it showed me that with every "I can't" that was the end, I could. I did. I will.

This is the year God tore off my pride big time. When I stopped caring what other people think (mostly. I'm still a work in progress).

2013 was a time where I learned what's important, and that my life holds value. Another year passed where the people I used to love the most continued their silence and judgment. But it was also a year where I learned that there's people who love me unconditionally and want me around.

This year was filled to the brim with pain, disappointment and fear. Which, as it turns out, was simply a solid road to healing, hope and peace.

When the calendar turns over to 2014 in 14ish hours, will all my troubles be gone? Will I be free from the things I've asked God to take away and He hasn't? Nope, probably not.

But I WILL go into the New Year sure of who I am and who my Daddy is. And that's totally enough for this girl.

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