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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Overcome Evil With Good

Don't be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good....

Romans is my absolute favorite book in the bible. I think it's because I'm such a "do something" sort of girl, and it's full of that sort of stuff, plus a lot of serious spiritual butt-kicking.

I started to feel like total garbage last night. I've been sick for weeks and just started to feel really down about some things. Sometimes no matter how busy I make myself, or how many friends I have, or how close I am to God - there are times I just have to deal with the fact I have depression and panic disorders, and I have them pretty bad.

But tonight as this stupid darkness insists on following me around as I try to savor what's left of the weekend, I know the bible commands us to overcome evil with good. Even when that evil is just in my mind, I can fight it with real, tangible things that I am so thankful for.

As the year draws to a close in a couple of days, here are 33 things (2013....20+13...I know, clever) ;) that I'm thankful for. If you're stuck in darkness too, why not make your own list?

  1. Guilt-free naps when it's pouring rain outside 
  2. Charlotte's huge deep blue eyes. 
  3. Sam's smile.
  4. Friendships that pick up right where they were left off. 
  5. Two reliable, drama-free cars. 
  6. Sushi. Churros. 
  7. The Internet (usually). 
  8. Job 22:21 and Numbers 23:19 
  9. Deep, meaningful discussions in hot tubs (I don't know why but it always happens!) 
  10. Disneyland when it first opens
  11. Reading or journaling in my hammock 
  12. Hot pink sunsets that take me by surprise
  13. Alone time
  14. The cuteness and oldness of our church building. I seriously love it and would be sad if it were ever remodeled. 
  15. Oversized sweaters, leggings, boots.
  16. The first ten minutes after a Royal Stage show
  17. Catching my children being genuinely kind to each other unprompted
  18. Handwritten letters/cards. Extra credit if they come in the mail. 
  19. People responding promptly to phone calls/emails
  20. Spontaneous weekend trips
  21. Agenda-free weekends (rare.) 
  22. Really good worship music 
  23. A 100% clean house 
  24. Autumn
  25. One-on-one quality time
  26. That my husband works hard so I can pursue my dreams
  27. Peach smoothies from Vallco. Sigh.
  28. All the windows in the house open when there is a spring breeze
  29. Unconditional love that I'm absolutely certain of. 
  30. Game nights
  31. My mom's cooking
  32. Every single thing about Kauai 
  33. Random good deeds

This too shall pass....

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