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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bad Into Good

On my Facebook feed today, I saw this incredible story. I don't usually click on video links - I like to read, and with two little ones running around it's hard to gauge if a video will be appropriate or not. But I'm glad I clicked this one.

If you don't have time to watch it, basically this little girl had terminal cancer. The doctors injected the HIV virus into her system, and her cancer vanished. She has been in remission for over a year. They took the HIV virus, made it so it no longer caused illness, and created what is known as "serial killer" cells. These cells kicked butt and took names on Emma's leukemia, and now she is gorgeous, healthy and thriving. She was already gorgeous though - her family's blog is amazing.

I'm not going all granola on you. I don't believe that this will work for everyone with cancer, and neither do the doctors who designed it. But I love the miracle here, and the lesson it teaches.

God has given us incredible minds. He desires us to do good things in this world.

To take something evil like cancer, and then obliterate it with something equally evil like HIV....whoa.

We need to take a cue from this and look at our own lives. What is something bad that has happened to you or is currently happening? How can you fight fire with fire and create something beautiful in the end? Will we let the Devil win in our lives, or will we take hold of our situation....and turn it into something good?

God gave me the opportunity yesterday to help someone with a circumstance I would not have had any chance of giving input on if I hadn't experienced it myself. In one of my most horrible, ugly, shameful life moments - God used it for good for a brief passage of time.

Yeah. I want more of that.

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