But quite honestly, beyond the fact Frank loves his job and Royal Stage is so healthy and thriving, our kids are probably the best example of why our life in Sacramento is so cool. Actually, right now it's quite warm....but you get it....
We went to the river and they were good for the most part, but at times acted like total brats. Praise God that they have a huge network of people in their little lives that they feel comfortable enough around to show their true colors. They were still totally busted, but I'm still glad.
There are some really great things that Sam & Charlotte experience living in Sacramento that I didn't as a Bay Area kid.
They get to float down a river
Sure, we had the ocean growing up. And while Santa Cruz is still within driving distance for them, there's something special about river days here at home. Water fights and rock skipping. Eating lunch on the rafts and taking a late afternoon swim.
We live in gold country, with a fun history of miners and fortunes found (or not found). Today that history has manifested itself into gold panning sites for kiddos, Sutter's Fort, etc. Both Sam and Charlotte - like every kid in Sacramento - have little pieces of gold in a jar that they found at a local children's event.
Their family is huge
While I have restricted the kids from interacting with much of my family for safety reasons, they still have a heck of a lot left. On my side, they have regular interaction with:
1. Grandfather
2. Grandmother
3. 2 aunts
4. A great uncle
On Frank's side they have:
1. Grandfather
2. Grandmother
3. Great grandmother
4. An aunt and uncle
5. 5 great aunts & 4 great uncles
6. A cousin + several 2nd cousins
Beyond these blood relatives, our kids are growing up around an amazing, wonderful community of spiritual family.
Royal Stage is booming with kids right now, and again, I trust my staff fully to bring godly structure and guidance into Sam & Charlotte's life.
There's always something to do, lots of kid swaps, activity and noise!
They have traditions
We go to Apple Hill every fall. Tahoe every winter. Swim daily in the summer. We have big, delicious potlucks at church on Easter.
People are friendly
My mom noticed on a recent visit
to one of our restaurants that some people in the lobby were dancing to the music playing while they were waiting for their table. People are more carefree and friendly in Sacramento. The grocery store checkers and the pool deck hands know the kids' names. People chit chat in lines and waiting rooms. Drivers are less aggressive (albeit still crazy!)
The resources are awesome
Sam goes to a FREE Montessori charter school. Our city library system is huge. There's a free museum day every year. An incredibly diverse downtown arts scene. Splash parks at some playgrounds. We live in the center of some of California's richest history with an old western section, government buildings and landmarks everywhere.
Their lives are peaceful
....or at least need to be. I am thankful and honored to be their mother. It's no easy task, but I am far from giving up. They will grow up with love, a clean house, spiritual support, healthy meals and hopefully a lot of laughter.
This parenting gig is no joke. But I'm so thankful to live in a place that is so perfect for our family. Someday I'm sure the kids will move away and talk trash about their hometown in some college dorm somewhere.....but for now, I love that this is the place they get to be little.
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