I've been battling a pretty deep depression the past several days, combined with a whackadoo stomach bug that keeps coming and going. I've basically been in hiding for the most part, but still of course needed to take the kids to school.
This is a photo I snapped in traffic this morning. Since its rather hard to read.....it's a California drought warning sign as viewed through the raindrops on my windshield. 

It's funny to think that God can speak through a roadside alert, but I believe God loves to use the ordinary - to reach us through the silliest of avenues if it means we will listen.
As it steadily drizzled all day, wherever I went, I kept thinking about how God just loves to defy situations. Things can seem so dry, burned out and desperate - and He can still bring refreshment.
We can never give up. I want to give up all the time. I'm weary. I often don't see the point. Sometimes things seem contrived and futile - honestly lately a lot of times.
But we can't give up.
Imagine a day where we never have to fear our spirits lacking refreshment - to be in the presence of an everlasting well of soothing restoration. To never hurt in the ways we hurt now. To have healing so deep and complete that we don't even realize we've BEEN healed - we don't even remember having that need in the first place.
Do you know what I love most, though? We don't need to "imagine" it. We, who press on toward loving Christ even when it totally sucks in the short term, will receive that as a reality in the long term.
And it won't be about us. About our comfort, our relief, getting our blessing.....It will be about Him and only Him.
I am tired of my current truth. I want to continue on the journey through this desert no matter how exhausted or alone I feel at times until I know and understand HIS truth until I reach the point where it's truly all I want.
For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. “I am the LORD,” he says, “and there is no other. I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and declare only what is right. (Isaiah 45:18-19)
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