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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Worth It.

So as you all know, my life is crazy. I sacrifice a lot of stuff - like watching TV and actually getting to see my best friends on a regular basis - in order to get everything done. But it's so worth it.

I don't normally post photos of the outreach side of Royal Stage. There are so many security issues - we have rescued prostitutes, abuse victims, etc. in the studio all the time, as well as offsite when we take RS on the road and minister to people where they're at. Even with my Fort Knox-worthy Facebook settings (ha. We ALL know Facebook security is totally make believe!), there are instances where posting a photo can put one of our amazing participants in danger.


BUT! A week or so ago, I had to miss our regular Tuesday outreach in downtown Sac and my amazing friend Ashley took some incredible photos of this precious weekly time that are not only adorable, but postable!!!

"Everybody get into groups of one." I love my pastor :)
It breaks my heart and hurts my face to think that Candace is moving to Africa in May!!!!!
Shemaya is from Baltimore so the kids think she is "street." :)

Sweet K. One of my favorite kids.

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