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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Wanting What I Have

Something God has been teaching me over and over again is, "My way, not your way." Boo. Not a fun lesson to learn. I've been continually convicted by church and bible studies sharing this message time and again lately - yield to God and He will provide. Follow His path and it will be the right one.

This is never easy. I am a first born child. I have taken a leadership role in almost every activity I've ever been a part of. One of the reasons I am a freelance writer is because I need to be my own boss or else I go crazy. So just TRUSTING God??? Sure, I say it. All of us Jesus Freaks do. But to actually LIVE it - that is the hard part.

There is a lot weighing on my heart right now. We find out Monday if Sam gets into the Kindergarten we've had our eye on for months. I really would like to move, but there isn't a responsible way to do that right now. Frank needs a new car. I want a new couch. We both want more sleep.

We want, we want, we want......

I need a new perspective.

God already knows where Sam is going to school, and wherever that is, there will be reasons.

Our neighborhood is quiet, our neighbors are friendly and we have a warm house that we can afford to live in during a time where people are losing their homes left and right.

Frank's car continues to run like a champ even though it's over 12 years old.

When we all pile onto our current couch to watch a movie, the lack of space makes for a total cuddlefest!

Sleep.....well, the Big Guy and I are still negotiating on that one. But really, my life is so good and I am so blessed.

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