I really need to sit down and write a proper update letter on Royal Stage. I will. Eventually. Life is so very busy that I struggle with that balance between being grateful all the time for our wonderful support system, and actually carving out the time to truly express it to them. So - if you feel lacking in thank yous - THANK YOU!! I love you so much and I am trudging my way through more etiquette-friendly modes of correspondence.
We were selected by the City of Sacramento to participate in this year's Arts Day of Giving. If you've ever wanted to give financially to Royal Stage, please do not. Yes, you read that right. Don't support us!
Instead, please take a quick moment to fill out this form - and then support us on April 29. The city will match your donation, and it will go so much further. We are SO blessed to be a part of this!
Other great updates:
- It looks like we are going to have FOUR summer camps this year! Yowzas. But right now we have two scheduled for Roseville, one for downtown Sacramento and one for Newcastle/Lincoln. So exciting!
- On Tuesday, we are restarting our inner city arts program. We have our own space this time around for this in Sacramento, and 100% of our participants are on welfare, come from abuse situations, etc. It's a tough crowd - but they are such incredible kids. Truly. Like we said at our meeting last night - they are challenging AND amazing. There's always two sides :)
- We were invited to come take over the midweek program at a local church and we're teaching illusionism and hip hop dance. It's ridiculous! Love it.
- We continue to teach dance at a group home for young women overcoming trauma and addiction, and continue to teach acting improv to a group of girlies who have been rescued from sex trafficking. These outreach programs are so powerful. It's seriously my dream coming true.
- Heart of Arts was so much fun, and we are now in full swing for Alice in Wonderland rehearsals. We perform in April at an incredible theater in Sacramento - we're looking for groups we can give free tickets to....children's homes, halfway houses, etc. - if you know of anyone, PLEASE let me know!
- We've seen so many personal breakthroughs back in Roseville. It's been sad to see some people go, but the Lord has brought forth so many incredible and enthusiastic teens & adults that are just impacting this ministry tremendously. So grateful for them!
It's an amazing time, people. I'm overwhelmed by all there is to do - but God is so nice and so good.
Please consider filling out an intention to partner with us form!
I filled out the form!!!