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Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Simpler Life

After a few days completely "off the grid" for personal reasons, I jumped in way too quickly this weekend. Returning to a full speed schedule right away left me frozen in my seat after a church meeting tonight. Panic. Exhaustion. 

Not God's will, you know? Here I go again with my crazy existence, and for what? It's been proven time and again that my marriage, my ministry, my relationship with my kids - they are all so much better when I can slow the heck down. 

This has been a great summer, but it's time to give into its simple form again....something I've never really experienced, since I've been burning the candle at both ends since the womb. 

I'm turning off Facebook notifications on my phone. I'll manually check it twice a day and catch up. 

I won't spend more than an hour a day reading anything on my phone, not counting my bible app, of course. 

I will remind myself that the world won't crumble if text messages aren't answered right away. 

I'm going to have more time to truly pursue God's will. To read stories to the kids in our backyard hammock. To engage in face-to-face conversations without distractions. To be healthy and whole. 

More time for what counts. 

I've spent so much time and energy trying to ensure I don't waste my life. And instead, I've forgotten to enjoy it. 

1 comment:

  1. I think so many of us can relate to this in one way or another. I love it!
    I am always saying I don't want my life to just pass me by so I constantly run around doing everything I can and I don't know WHAT I would do without my Google calender (that syncs on every electronic device I own)! However, looking back on my life the times I really remember enjoying were moments of togetherness with my family, and it didn't really matter where we were when we had those moments.
