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Saturday, July 19, 2014

A New Trick

For those of you who struggle with depression or anxiety, I created a new trick for myself last night when I was really going through it. 

I couldn't find the focus to pray or read my bible (though I am a strong advocate of always trying those things first), and so I started with the letter A and named one thing I'm grateful for/how God has protected me. I kept going through the alphabet until I was centered again - it took awhile - I got to W :) But I could feel myself start to return to a rational place and then I was able to pray and fell asleep reading that amazing bible. 

This may sound lame, but I'm willing to be corny and weak if it means someone reads this and is helped by it. 

You're not alone. Say your ABCs.

A - Anxiety. Thankful for it because it keeps me close to God. 

B - Bible. I can open it up and have God speak to me whenever I need it.

C - Charlotte. I prayed for a daughter and God gave me a beautiful, silly, free-spirited, loving little one. 

D - Dance. It gets my endorphins going and has been with me most of my life. 

E - Experiences. They give me compassion, strength, the ability to encourage others. 

F - Frank. Because God gave me a great, loyal, committed husband. I mean come on.....I struck gold at 16 and my heart was saved from so much. 

G - God. My father, my shield, my inspiration, my hiding place, my everything. 

H - Happy people. I've been surrounded by them lately - it's contagious. 

I - India. I love my India and can't wait to go back - I think about it daily. (Please note Ice Cream was first runner up. It fixes everything.) 

J - Jesus. I can't't even try to explain him in a single sentence. 

K - Kindness from others who pray for me, support my ministry, love on my kids, believe in me....

L - Life. I have an amazing one. 

M - Memories. The ones that hurt keep me moving forward. The ones that heal keep me encouraged when I fall backward. 

N - Newness! (Is that even a word? N is where it started to get tricky....) A new morning, a new dress, a new package of Oreos, a new season....I love having another chance. 

O - Opportunity - God has chosen me to be a writer, a non-profit director, a wife and mother - so many opportunities to rely on Him through these things and to get to experience really amazing stuff! 

P - Patience. I don't have much, but He is making me develop more. 

Q - Quiet mind. I've only ever experienced this a few times in my life, but I am so thankful whenever I do! 

R - Roller Derby!!!! So awesome!!! Have you gone? No? Then sit down! 

S - Sam. My first baby, my outgoing, creative, loving boy. 

T - Tenacity. Because I'm still here, suckers. 

U - Understanding. God has endless understanding and patience for me. And I need all of it! 

V - Volunteers. Royal Stage has incredible ones!!! 

W - Wisdom. God had placed incredibly wise people in my life and I'm so grateful for them. 

Here, my struggle ended. And gosh I'm glad because I really didn't want to think of an X or a Z. 

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