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Monday, April 29, 2013

What I Am, What We Are, What We Dream....

Ministry-wise, it has been an incredible year for Royal Stage. Getting our own building was monumental. So was receiving access to anti-trafficking safe houses and inner city children. God just keeps blessing and blessing in so many ways!

One way we have seen Him use people to help Royal Stage is through financial gifts. I know that sounds so televangelisty - but it is 100% true! Not all of us can commit evenings to teaching dance, not all of us have counseling degrees, not all of us are local to our ministry.

But all of us can give $25 today.

Here is what Royal Stage is in 25 short sentences

  1. We are children
  2. We are teenagers (a lot of teenagers!) 
  3. We are adults (married, unmarried, divorced, moms, dads, HUMANS!) 
  4. We are lifelong Christians
  5. We are not yet Christians
  6. We are living below the poverty line and hurting emotionally at times
  7. We are living upper class lives, but are still hurting emotionally at times
  8. We've had eating disorders
  9. We've been verbally, physically, sexually abused
  10. We've had terrible church experiences
  11. We've had incredible church experiences!
  12. We dance (excellently at times, still learning at other times) 
  13. We sing (overall pretty badly. But a few of us are notable) 
  14. We act (excellently at times, other times we are just goofy!) 
  15. We laugh. A lot. 
  16. We cry. Through each other's struggles.
  17. We give away over 500 free tickets to our productions per year
  18. We charge for our Roseville classes, but if someone can't pay, we never ask.....
  19. We don't charge for our Sacramento classes, and people always ask us why....
  20. We have a gorgeous Roseville studio that is a sanctuary for many
  21. We just leased an incredible old community center in Downtown Sac
  22. We are bold in our love
  23. Sometimes we surprise people, but we don't apologize for our art once its out there
  24. We do our best to bless each other....if you need something...we'll figure out a (legal) way to get it!
  25. We are the only arts organization in the Sacramento region that is 100% committed to love, acceptance and theater with a positive message that professes Jesus. Not in a televangelisty way. Not in a Westboro Church way. Not in a hellfire and brimstone way. Just in a Royal Stage way. 
And we're happy about God using us for that :)

Support our future. $25 only! 

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