On this particular night, Sam's issue was that he was afraid monsters were going to get him. I have no idea where this came from, other than the fact he watched Wheels on the Bus, which could terrify anyone.
I reassured him that there weren't any monsters. I never promise my kids that I won't let anything hurt them, because I cannot keep that promise. I can try my best, but we never know. So of course, my simple "don't worry" wasn't very reassuring when it came to said monsters.
Sam had his giant stuffed jaguar on his bed last night, and so I did some quick thinking (some may call it lying).
"Hey Sam, did you know that this jaguar eats monsters?"
"Mommy, THIS is a stuffed jaguar."
"Oh, that's true. BUT if a monster comes, the jaguar comes to life and gets it just in time!"
Totally wide eyed "Really?!"
Then, feeling totally convicted, "You know what else, Sam? Did you know Jesus is a gentle lamb who loves us all SO much. But, when one of His children is in danger, God can become as ferocious as a lion."
Sam was impressed. He told me how much he loved that, and after praying with him and a couple more rounds of tucking in, was fast asleep. On his floor. I don't know.
Wow what an idiot I've been - telling my little boy that the Lord is both a ferocious lion and a gentle lamb - and not living my life as if He is either!
I was so sad that we didn't get Sam into CMP, that I couldn't see past what I saw as unfair and stupid.
Yesterday, just a day after the CMP letdown, we snagged one of the two final spots at a creative arts charter school near our house.
I did not want him to go to this school, I've been fighting this school - but I toured it yesterday and every inch of it was made for Sam. They have pets in the office. They have dance, art and drama every single day. They have music and act out math problems. Parents are required to participate in the classroom, so it's what I wanted. AND it is on the way to the preschool we wanted for Charlotte in the Fall.
Monday I was so wrapped up in my own agenda that I couldn't see God's gentle instrumentation of Sam's little life. I roared like a pissed off lion at Him, hungry for justice. When all along, HE was the strong King of our suburban jungle - leading our kiddo right where he needed to be.
Me = humbled <3 again.="" br="" yet="">3>
I love it! School is such a BIG deal. Praise God for placing Sam exactly where he's supposed to be! And by the way, I can't believe he is old enough to be in kindergarten!!!