I apologize if this blog post seems selfish, but there is so much going on in my life right now, and never time to share it with those I love and I know are prayer warriors! If you have a few moments today, I really covet your prayers for the following excitement that is encompassing my life :)
1) This evening, I am going before an advisory board to appeal a technicality that disqualified Royal Stage for a $10,000 grant. The administrator believes we have a strong case - please pray that if God wants us to receive this financial award for the ministry, that He will give both myself and the advisory board wisdom and discernment this evening!
2) I write for About.com, a pretty successful online news corporation that was owned by the New York Times until last month. It has been a "big deal" year writing for such a big company and I've had a blast! My contract renewal is up this month - please pray that I am renewed and get to write for this amazing project for another year at least! :)
3) Alice in Wonderland opens Friday. IMMEDIATELY after, we begin recruiting for our THREE summer camp locations! Please be praying for Royal Stage that God will provide. He always does!
4) I am going to Texas on Sunday. This is a long-planned trip with one of my best friends, and the beginning of a half-sabbatical for me. I've been going non-stop for 7+ years of ministry and I am SO excited for this month of rest to kick off! Please pray for safe travels, and also for the final Alice show - as I am going to miss the second half of it! :( Thanks a lot, Southwest ;) Please also pray for wisdom during this rest time, and that God's voice would be crazy clear.
5) We started attending a new church this year that feels like a perfect fit and that we really love. It's been quite the journey finding our perfect church home. Please pray we can plug in more, find ways to serve and that our family will make Christ priority.
Thanks everybody. I love you. I don't get to tell my friends & family nearly enough how much their incredible support means to me!!!!
I love that your prayer regarding your new church is how you can find ways to serve.You have an amazing heart for the Lord!