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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Very Long Weeks

You know, I try not to be super busy. I swear I do. But gosh, talk about falling majorly short of a goal! 

This month has been insane. May will be even crazier. And, before I even get to May, the ton of bricks just hit me that there's 30 days in April, not 31 - which means I HAVE to get all of my month-end articles in TOMORROW, because Thursday is Charlotte day, and it refills her love tank so significantly....I can't blow that off due to my own procrastination.

There's so much on my plate right now: 
- work 
- general ministry obligations 
- our black tie gala fundraiser sunday 
- Sam's school carnival Sat
- Sam's school field trip Friday 
- Sam's Awana Grand Prix 
- Sam deciding he urgently needs to learn to play ukulele  
- Sam's baseball games (geez, Sam!) 
- Charlotte's preschool performance 
- Charlotte's gymnastics 
- swimming lessons for both kids
- RS summer camp prep 
- church 
- marriage 
- my new DBT group - which I LOVE but it's another 2-4 hours out of the week
- friends 
- family 
- chores/errands 
- sleep? 

Today, God slowed me down. Not physically, as today was insane with a capital I.

But this He did remind me: 

His strength is made perfect in my weakness, and I consider it an honor to be complete weakened mush before Him. I've got nothing left - I do very well for significant stretches of time operating from my own power, but then it all breaks down. 

God doesn't expect me to be perfect. In fact, my pursuit of perfection seems to almost discredit what He did on the cross. 

Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for cutting down my strength and ability so You can shine. 

My house isn't spotless this week. 
I have had to cancel some meetings. 
The gym has not happened. 
I keep forgetting to pay for Sam's field trip. 

But you know....

I haven't yelled at my kids. 
I feel healthier mentally and emotionally. 
I am hearing God regularly. 

The more I seem to let go of becoming perfect overnight, the more perfectly I see and grasp God's love. 

The dirty bathroom can wait. 

This is life. 

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