Performing arts ministry can be difficult. Any ministry can be difficult, but allow me to be self-pitying for a moment and contest that performing arts ministry is a rare thing for the sole reason it is REALLY hard.
In ministry, you deal with plenty of broken people. In performing arts, you deal with a lot of ego. Combine the two and you occasionally get the emotionally crippled narcissist - and that can be tricky.
There are two times each year I've found this type of person to arrive in droves: the beginning of December and the end of the summer. Today is September 1st. There's a road sign in my head right now that reads, "You Are Now Leaving Crazy Town", as my mind follows a road toward autumn, hopefully without looking back.
We had auditions this past weekend, and the Lord answered so many prayers. We specifically prayed for skilled dancers and God delivered. I love being part of raising up the girls in both dance technique and ministry - but it is so nice when we get people who come in trained! Then we can focus on the important stuff!
He also provided a great leadership team for this season, along with the money to pay our next round of bills and led us to some new inner city outreach opportunities that are very exciting. And He has led me personally to India...which is a whole other email in itself.
I am so incredibly thankful for these things, and in the end it is exactly why I continue to soldier on during weeks like this where I am just straight up exhausted. Experiencing God's favor upon a ministry is one of the most exhilarating,energizing things in the universe. Good thing!
However, for this session of blog therapy, allow me to bring to light some common frustrations I feel on a regular basis. If you don't wish to hop on board the Complain Train, then stop reading now.
None of these equal a desire to quit, give up on God or even shed a tear. But prayers are still SUPER appreciated.
The Starstruck
They come in wide eyed and awkward - seriously, a 15 year old is the most beautiful creature. They are trying to find themselves, or rather define themselves, and they are getting so much of it wrong. But it's so awesome and lovely because it's theirs and it's God working through them - and I just adore the wonder and dreams that they bring to the table. Sadly, so many times their goal is to be famous. They see the admiration, glamor and attention and completely overlook the Lindsays and the Mileys. They are in Royal Stage because they want to reach celebrity status.
Baby, this is not that road.
We promise to teach you dancing, acting, singing, art, self-confidence, teamwork, the power of God's awesome love, a safe place to grow into what you're called to be......and if we've done our job right, you will look toward THE Famous One instead of craving the lifestyle of an eventual fallen star.
The Stage Parent
They burst into audition weekend, complaining about how the studio was too hard to find, how they need to be at 10 million other appointments today so please skip their child to the front of the line, and ask my assistants where to purchase the items needed for the lead role their kid will instantly receive because they are the best. The ironic contrast to the Stage Parent is, 8 times out of 10, their child ends up being aloof, shy, uncooperative or outright confused as to why they are there.
Moms, please see "The Starstruck." And stop.
The Ditcher
This one stings to write about. This one hurts the most. This is the one where my humanness overcomes me and I can't put a positive spin on it, even though it's obvious what the praise is within it.
These are the girls who leave because surrendering their life completely to Christ is too hard for them. These are the people who spend years with you and then suddenly up and leave, moving on to something else without a goodbye. The ones who criticize your shows for being too "amateur", who say they admire your passion & drive, but are quick to point out your distinct lack of whatever.
And they walk.
You get Facebook posts on your wall from them occasionally. You'll hear from them when they need a recommendation letter for a job or college application. But beyond that, they are gone. You rarely receive a thank you.
But in a way, these are the absolute best people to walk some distance with. Because it will shock you into reality and remind you every. single.'s not about you. It's about God and glorifying Him....if we received the thankfulness and praise we craved, would we still honor Him and give the credit where it is TRULY due?
the only thing to do is dance forward.