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Monday, July 29, 2013


I have so much to do today, it's rather unreal. Thus, it obviously makes perfect sense to start out my work day blogging, right? I make smart choices ;)

As much as I am not a fan of summer, I have to admit it is flying by. I cannot believe it's almost August, and in less than three weeks I will be sending my little boy off to Kindergarten. In case anyone's been wondering - I am SO not okay with this. Wasn't he just born?

I've lived most of my life in the fast lane - not in an edgy, let's-go-skydiving-every-Saturday sort of way, but I always tend to cram so much life into my weeks, that I end up sort of grazing over experiences instead of experiencing them fully. My mind is always onto the next thing before the current thing has a chance to even BE a thing.

There have been consequences for this:
1) I don't always listen as carefully to God as I should

2) I don't move on quickly from hurts because I put off acknowledging fully how they affect me

3) Although very guarded, I  tend to grow close with people very easily, because I often don't take the time to discern true character.

4) I begin to place more importance on serving up Jesus to my kids via bible stories and Christian music
rather than showing them an example by being unashamedly in love with Him in front of them.

5) My house is a mess.

Before summer is over, there are things in my life that need to change. I need to re-prioritize. It's a good thing I'm already a compulsive list maker.

- I need to wake up in God's word. Right now my quiet times are usually at night, when I am exhausted. God has given me a gourmet feast of a life - it's so good - he does not deserve solely my leftovers at the end of the day. Some of the strongest Christian women I know read their Bible first thing. I need to do this. Lock myself in the closet if I have to.

- Organize the house. It's clean - but is it organized? Nope. I want every single room to look like a Pinterest post, damnit.

- Spend a day with Sam and Sam alone. He wants to go to the Zoo and he's made it crystal clear Charlotte isn't invited. This is really important to do before Kindergarten begins.

- Get crazy organized and reignited about Royal Stage.

- Stay out of God's way and let him do his thing.

Summer is flying by!

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