I love February. Okay, I love all months with a holiday in them. I think that's why God picked my birthday for August - dead of summer, nothing happening - I NEED AN EVENT, PEOPLE!
Speaking of events, I checked our donation page, and I'm over halfway to the goal I set to raise $10,000 in 12 months for Royal Stage. Exciting!!! :) My God is so nice - thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to donate. You have no idea how grateful I am!
My children also awkwardly thank you:
(It was windy).
We are having a big dinner show benefit on the 24th. If you can come, please do! We have a headlining act, lots of talent from Royal Stage performing, plus a yummy Italian dinner and art gallery. Ooh and raffle prizes. Yes!
If you can't come, will you please consider buying a "ticket" anyhow? Just a quick donation worth the ticket value ($20) would help cover expenses and would bless my socks off! And, if you're feeling exceptionally daring - make it a monthly contribution (gasp!)
It's so easy - you can do it blindfolded (though that isn't recommended, lest you accidentally donate $2000000 - but heck, that's fine with me).....
SO. There is my February excitement!
Other things I love this month:
- Frank's birthday (where I annually attempt to surprise him with something but he always finds out)
- Valentine's Day! (this year with the added bonus of fondue with our new church family? yes plz!)
- There is pink everywhere! Thank you corporate America for dedicating yourself wholeheartedly to the world's greatest color. Shopping is just more fun when the world is in a cute blush.
- An excuse to eat cookies. (GIRL SCOUTS. I know where you're at!)
Please donate
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