I have procrastinated training Charlotte because I stinking hated potty training so much with Sam! This should be different though - she's a girl, she was born totally healthy, she's been right on target developmentally for everything.
Okay girlfriend, let's do this.
Day 1.....we fought and cried. "No mommy, I'm just two! I can't! I'm just two!"
Good glory.
Day 2......I bought M&Ms, knowing full well Charlotte would sell her soul for a piece of normally forbidden candy.
First she pounded the fluids to get all set for a bathroom victory.
Then she went. Wahoo! But she didn't understand the task-reward system. She somehow got it into her head that crapping successfully one time into a little frog toilet equaled unlimited M&M consumption. So when she got three single pieces....SHE went to pieces.
For the next FOUR HOURS our conversations went something like this,
"Mommy I want M&M"
"That's fine go sit on the potty and you can have one."
*heads to kitchen to acquire aforementioned M&Ms*
"No Charlotte - potty first and then candy."
*sprints down hallway with princess panties around ankles*
Here are some photos to commemorate the day.
Tomorrow is a new day. We've got this, little one. Soon we will be back to happier times.
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