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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Icky and the Happy

Every time I go out of town, I brace myself for some drama awaiting me at home. Life never fails to deliver.

This time, it was a situation with a new dance teacher. I love my growth experiences, I love my growth experiences, I love my growth experiences......

In a nutshell, contract was broken, so she was fired. With her dismissal came an offer to take free classes from us for life, so she can still feel involved and learn more about the heart of what we do, should she choose to.

She committed some pretty severe ministry/professionalism sins, and with that double whammy, it was definitely time to cut the cord.





Thank you Jesus, from the bottom of my heart, this is only about the 3rd time in the history of my world that I have had to tell someone, under any circumstances, to go away.

Of course, like any individual who vehemently brags about how professional, awesome and LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE HER, she then proceeded to tirade on Facebook, accusing us to high heaven of things that we didn't even do.

People, I am a vengeful people pleaser. Do you understand what a toxic combination that is? I always want people to feel good, happy and loved - and I want them to KNOW I'M RIGHT, DARN IT!!!!

I wrote one heck of a long email to her in response to what I saw....and then hit delete instead of send.

OUCH. Not easy. But so important.

One sentence out of my email, "You just made a big mistake and have burned a lot of bridges. You are no longer welcome in our studio."

This is almost verbatim of what was told to me at a church once, and it has left my heart hurt ever since.

It's hard to keep my mouth shut. Even when I know I'm right (and I think I actually was this time!). But God prompted me to release her and to extend her love for the future. He did not prompt me to lash out, have revenge or show her what I think of her.

Then, within an hour, both of her classes were replaced by quality, godly teachers and all is calm.

Thank you Lord, for strength to be obedient in the icky of ministry, so I can further appreciate the happy :)

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