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Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh How He Loves Us

This has been a sweet month so far for Royal Stage. Sure, it's only June 4th - but I'm all about the celebrating wherever, whenever - and I think God is too :)

If you haven't been keeping up with my blog or Facebook lately, Royal Stage acquired its own building! We are so, so excited, and just received the keys a few days ago. We received JUST enough funding for first and last month's rent (God likes to keep us on our toes!) and then if all goes as planned, we have enough to cover the entire summer and beyond.

I am so looking forward to this space - it is going to be such an awesome sanctuary and place for people to come together. Our group is going to thrive with this stability - no more time spent dancing in parking lots or living rooms :) So blessed!

The landlord gave us an incredible deal, and it is a storefront location in the center of Roseville with great foot traffic. We're having our grand opening party in August, and if you're reading this, you're invited :)

So after working out rent, we didn't have very much to cover renovations. We need more mirrors, a dance floor, etc. And so we went around asking various Home Depots for gift cards, which would cover about a third of what we need. But some of us prayed, and one Home Depot's manager caught wind of what we do, and SHE IS HAVING HOME DEPOT PAY FOR THE ENTIRE RENOVATION!!!!!

Such a praise from God, I am so insanely excited!

Then, we were invited to present at the Sacramento Dream Center. It was such an awesome time - they asked me to speak for the entire duration of the service, which I've NEVER done before. I was so nervous it would be boring or too short, but it actually went too long when we added in dances and music, and we got a great response!

Now we will be officially launching a Sacramento chapter this summer! So great to make new friends yesterday! <3 Here are some photos from the morning :)

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