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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ohhhhhhhh Gabba Gabba

Yo Gabba Gabba is brain-damaging my child at worst, and at best, teaching him drunken dancing way earlier in life than any frat party could possibly reach him.

Sam's idols. Ever seen pics of hysterical teenage girls watching the Beatles in the 50s? Same thing. Trust me.

FYI, I am well-aware that I sound like a mean, pushy stage mom at the beginning of this video. But this is life with a 2-year-old....they do something a million times every day, and then when you try to exploit them on film, they don't cooperate. We would never have documentation of anything cute without a little coercing. He is all about the spontaneity - it's tough to catch him in the act. This was my 3rd attempt at recording him. Please do not judge me :)

Anyway, I present to you, Sam's interpretation of various animals in dance form with the help of his beloved Yo Gabba Gabba video.

He's a free spirit, this little one.

Oh, and if you've never had the great privilege of watching Yo Gabba Gabba, here are some excerpts. Don't watch before bedtime, or else you'll be haunted in your sleep, trust me.

They also get a guest star each week. Go, Frodo, go!

1 comment:

  1. I had to watch this while I was babysitting some of our friends gets annoying after a while...
