Ever since we announced the upcoming arrival of baby #2, it feels as if everyone has voiced their opinion Usually, the women INSIST I have a girl, or else there is no possible way my life will be complete. The men tend to put it all in sports terms - will biology even out the teams for Tammy, or will Frank have a winning streak? No matter what people have said, about 85% of it I have to force myself to smile graciously and act excited along with them as they tell their opinion. Sometimes over and over again.
Oh, little girls are WONDERFUL. You CANNOT miss out on all the cute clothes out there!
Oh, little girls are such DRAMA. You're well off with boys.
Oh, little boys are so SWEET. They love their mommies like none other. (this is true, btw) :)
Oh, little boys are TERRORS. They are always in trouble and forget about owning anything nice!
I too, have indulged in all these thoughts. Wanted to run out and buy oversized hair ribbons and yet also secretly hoping for another boy because my mother and I had a really, really tough time until I was an adult. Sometimes we still do.
So, as of today, here is how our family stands. A 2-year-old boy and a girl determined on a 16-week ultrasound. Sam started out as a girl too, so I have my doubts. And with those doubts, I go into our big anatomy scan and high-risk appt this Friday morning, and we'll hopefully get another peek at gender and solve this once and for all ;) The critics will have to shush, and I can begin to settle into the idea of what will be likely the last sweetie added to our family.
And this I know. If I have a girl, great. If I have a boy, also great. I was devastated when I found out Sam was a boy. And now, 2 yrs later, I cannot imagine life without the added fun and exhaustion a little guy brings. Sam is my light, and he is hopelessly devoted to his mommy. I cannot picture myself ever having a girl now. Like, at all.
But this I also know. My prayer is not for a specific gender. It is not for health (why bother, we didn't get that last time!). My prayer is specifically to have the blessing and ability to raise my two children up in a godly, solid way that will affect generations. Sound cheesy? Likely. But it's my truth.
Boy(s) - I am praying daily I can teach you how to be gentle, self-controlled, and loving. Courteous toward everyone, and respectful toward girls - who will always be confusing and difficult to understand from your perspective. I am praying you will learn to be responsible, solid in faith and decisions, and family-oriented like your father. Slow to speak and quick to think deeply. I am praying you will learn from me to be passionate about whatever you choose to do with your life, value good friends like family, and allow yourself to listen to God, even when it's really difficult.
Girl - I am praying daily I can teach you how to be gracious in tough circumstances, and that you'll value education and career as much as baking and crafting, and vice versa. I am praying you will stay away from gossip, slander, and rejection, and that I will be wise enough when the time comes to direct your heart toward the Lord as your first love. I am praying you learn a little bit of biting humor from your father (enough to keep up with the boys), and that you will also have his intelligence and open-mindedness to all people. I am praying you'll make friends as easily as I do, but also learn the importance of quiet time alone to discover who you are without the trillion influences of this world. I pray you will always be strong, and feel 100% loved and supported by your family so you never need to seek out other things as a reaction to consistent disappointment.
Whatever we get, is what we'll have. And I'll be blessed with either. So will my life suck if I have another boy OR if I have a girl? Nope! It's exactly what God (and um, Frank's sperm), have decided to trust me with! <3