....oh wait. I'm not.
That is an excellent reminder in the midst of the whole Prop 8 issue currently enjoying a resurrection here in California. I'm so sick of hearing about it, so sick of trying to pick a side. So, what I've come to is simple:
We are called to love. Point blank, that is what Jesus commanded us to do. Just because the gay lifestyle may make you feel icky for whatever reason, does not give you the right to make gay people feel icky in return. Religious beliefs have nothing to do with basic civil rights. If we start to mix those two up....well....it just seems to me that a lot of people are working their panties into a wad over something that really doesn't make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. I know a lot of people will tell me that now that I HAVE A CHILD he will GO TO SCHOOL and be INDOCTRINATED into GAY PRIDE etc., to which I say.....if you are spending so little time instilling into your children your value system, beliefs, and personal heart for God that going to school will sway them so powerfully in the battle between right and wrong....
....then you need to spend more time with your kids.
So stop sending me your "Vote in the name of God!" emails. God loves the Asia SF dancer as much as he loves you. Christ came to save the sinners, and we all fall under that job description - whether we are a drag queen, liar, bigot, workaholic, alcoholic, facebookaholic.....
So please stop including me in your view that somehow stripping people of their civil rights will win them over for the Lord.
I rarely get fired up like this on my blog, so please forgive me....but then again....apparently I am reading a different bible than a lot of people I know.
I guess I picked a side after all. I picked God's side. Love.