Sorry for all of you Facebookers who got a little TOO excited about my cryptic FB status msgs in preparation of today. Let's get a couple things out of the way - we are not moving, and we are not pregnant. Sorry to disappoint :)
I know I've spoken about my ultimate dream for a long time now, and especially on my blog, but now that it is actually HAPPENING, I'm hoping you will take the time to read this entire entry and if you've ever believed in God, or believed in something you've seen me do through arts, that you will consider supporting us in a couple of ways.
When I use the term "us", I mean supporting you, me, and others. Imagine being able to be a part of something incredibly new and full of incredible potential, without having to do an incredible amount of work.
By the time you finish reading this blog entry, you can be a partner in this new opportunity. You will get free tickets to quality productions, you can tell your friends and family members that you are part of a non-profit organization, that you can brag about the fact you made it possible for a low-income little kid to attend their first dance class, and you were responsible for recapturing the dream of a former little kid ;)
For the past five years, my heart has broken over and over again that CityGate and Turning Point could never accommodate every need that came up. We either had too many participants, or emotionally hurting people there wasn't time to help along with their healing, or too many groups wanting us for touring, too many service projects to accomplish, too many ideas and not enough days to provide artistic opportunities to everyone from low-income kids to later-in-life adults who always wanted to experience the freeing expression of dance and art but were unable to when they were younger for whatever reason.
God pushed me and pushed me, and now, after taking a scary and personally difficult leap in June, He is busting down doors to make a way for The Royal Stage. We will have three different levels in which people can get involved, and you can read about it on our website.
We have our board confirmed, we have a fiscal sponsor until we complete our 501(c)3 registration so all donations are tax-deductible right away, and we have our rehearsal and performance space. We have our teachers and we have our creative planning team. We have registered participants, and we already have three local groups and a mainstage group starting this fall.
But we really need your help. Yes, you! I understand that we are bombarded these days with pleas in every form for prayer, support and promotion. I once got all but eaten alive by a Christian architect who I asked to consider sponsoring a Turning Point show.
"Do you think just because I am a Christian I am going to give time and finances away??" he barked.
Okay. I get it. Everyone is swamped and tapped out. Frank and I have given much of our time and finances to what we believe in, so we understand the heavy feeling of being asked to do just ONE. MORE. THING.
But I ask you to keep reading.....
Ten For Eternity is the hope we have been given that God is going to provide every single need The Royal Stage needs. It's our #1 strategy set in place to enjoy seeing His faithfulness.
There is NOTHING like The Royal Stage organization in Sacramento. I haven't been able to find anything like it anywhere, actually. There are pieces of it through different groups - there are a lot of dance ministries, etc. - but to combine everything we are doing to bring outreach, hope, healing, education and faith.....I've yet to see it. Which is why God is probably pushing me so hard.
Careful when you ask Him to use you to do big things.
To become a full-fledged non-profit and accept & serve every single person who comes through our door, we need people to participate in Ten for Eternity.
Pray for Us (or think good thoughts for us - whatever floats your boat)
We need people to pray for us and we have set up two times so you know others are praying right along with you. 10am or 10pm. Pick one. Comment on this blog or fill out a prayer form through our website so we know and can thank you!
Tell 10 People About Us.
And if you can tell more, then fabulous! Make us viral. Make us your FB status msg. Twitter our website. And please, consider right clicking and saving the image below, and making it your social networking profile pic for one week with a caption.
Example?: Make this image your facebook profile pic, and under caption, put "Please support this new group! I am!" or something like that, and include a link to our website.
Sponsor $10 a month
Seriously. Ten bucks. Again, if you can do more, then that is super appreciated. But we need 1,000 monthly sponsors.
"Wow Tam, that's a big number!" True. But I serve a big God. So why should I be intimidated? Plus, I know all of you lovely people are going to pull through for us. You can visit our website and fill out an Intent to Sponsor form WITHOUT GIVING A DIME, or you can click here to make a difference right away:
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