1) Cabin Fever Creativity
We come up with crazy things to do when it gets too darn hot to go outside. This was our bottom drawer kitchen parade earlier this week. The rules: Use anything out of the bottom kitchen cabinet (plus part of mommy's sweater, because it's a SWEATER and it was 104 outside, so who flipping cares about the sweater....), and make as much noise as you can.
2) Dollar Scoop Night
I never should have told Frank about this. I haven't enjoyed Baskin Robbin's Dollar Scoop Night since college, and now every Tuesday Frank gets home from work and asks me if I want to go pretty much the second after we finish dinner. My husband, Mr. Google himself with his endless knowledge, had been living completely in the dark about dollar scoop night until I told him about it.
I love love love LOVE (did I mention LOVE?) the new BRight ice creams - slow churned, low fat lemon cream pie or strawberry shortcake in a scoop of ice cream. Heavenly.
3) Swimming, swimming, swimming.
I love to swim. I love to do ANYTHING in the water, and it's fun to live somewhere where it is consistently warm every single day of the month to swim. But swimming is definitely a bit different this year....
4) Fireworks
I also love that I live in a county where fireworks are LEGAL! It's thrilling to almost set fire to our gigantic front yard tree each year, and I think my little sister has made it tradition to come up for a visit during 4th of July just for that reason.
5) Vacation!!!! :)
Oh Kauai, marry me! Ah well, until then I will settle for our one week love affair. So excited!
Wartas = blessed. <3
about the warm place to live...Trinidad is always here ;) plus my aunt has a pool :) and the beaches are right there!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I do come for the store-bought fireworks, they are fun, but I also just like having an excuse to regularly visit so that you and I can hang out and play Nintendo together and so I can follow your kid around with a video camera.
ReplyDeleteAlso, we discovered there is no dollar scoop night in Santa Clara. LAME.