I used to hate Thursdays, but now I love them. And yesterday was a bonus because I got to see friend whom I adore and haven't gotten to spend much time with since Cinderella ended.
We went to Starbucks this afternoon just to catch up and pray, talk about The Royal Stage, and just sort of update our friendship. It wasn't hellishly hot outside today and so we sat on the patio. We were only out there a little while when all of a sudden this girl who was probably a little younger than me comes wailing out onto the patio - she sits down at the table, sobbing into her cell phone. She is beyond upset, and we keep trying to have our conversation but keep becoming distracted by her tears.
Her cell phone starts to beep those anxious beeps of death as her battery starts to give out, and she is still whimpering and smoking cigarette after cigarette.
"I feel like we should pray for her," I told M.
M told me that if I felt led to, then I should. I made up excuses. Nah, she is going back inside the Starbucks now. Oh...she's coming back out again. She catches our gaze.
"Sorry guys - I know I am being loud over here. I just had a really bad couple of days."
Oh, we say, we are sorry to hear that. Awkward pause...gaze broken.
"I really feel like we should go pray."
M: Well let's go.
Girl gets up, is embraced by a scrungy guy who has come to pick her up. She gets in her car, and I can't handle the urgency rushing through my brain anymore. We get up and I sprint across the parking lot and all but throw myself in front of their car.
This would have been a good time to run me over, but they opted not to. Thank you!
I waved and she opened her door looking at me like I was a total lunatic. The floor of her car was covered with cigarette boxes and other wreckage that just seemed to signify a life in distress.
"I know this sounds really weird, but I feel really led to pray for you. Would that be okay?"
Her confused gaze is replaced with sort of surprise/shock. "Yes. Please!"
So we pray for her. And then she hugs me and just cries in my arms for what seemed like a long time. One of those sad movie hugs. She had a smile on her face afterward, and thanked me for praying for her.
I don't know her story - I don't know if I will ever see her again (we exchanged numbers), or if she knows Jesus.
But it felt good to strap on a pair and be bold enough to do the right thing.
I want more of that in my life.
P.S. - She looked exactly like Lilly from The Princess Diaries - as a side note.
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Aloha Until We Meet Again.....
Well, back to reality! We landed back in Sacramento yesterday after a gorgeous, wonderful week in Kauai. While in Hawaii, I learned three things:
1) My in-laws are way, way, WAY too nice and generous. I seriously could not have gotten a better in-family :)
2) Hawaii is definitely my favorite place in the universe. I've been all over the world, and this is my third trip to Kauai and it's become like a getaway now that I know where I love to eat, hang out, and shop. It is my official life detox location.
3) I can spend approximately 6-7 days with my mother before losing my mind. We were together for 9.
Anyhoo, Hawaii was much needed, much appreciated, and now I feel recharged, rejuvenated, and full of motivation to conquer all of the tasks July and August bring! :)
Here are my favorite shots:

1) My in-laws are way, way, WAY too nice and generous. I seriously could not have gotten a better in-family :)
2) Hawaii is definitely my favorite place in the universe. I've been all over the world, and this is my third trip to Kauai and it's become like a getaway now that I know where I love to eat, hang out, and shop. It is my official life detox location.
3) I can spend approximately 6-7 days with my mother before losing my mind. We were together for 9.
Anyhoo, Hawaii was much needed, much appreciated, and now I feel recharged, rejuvenated, and full of motivation to conquer all of the tasks July and August bring! :)
Here are my favorite shots:
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Royal Stage
Please read this entire entry - we need EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.
Sorry for all of you Facebookers who got a little TOO excited about my cryptic FB status msgs in preparation of today. Let's get a couple things out of the way - we are not moving, and we are not pregnant. Sorry to disappoint :)
I know I've spoken about my ultimate dream for a long time now, and especially on my blog, but now that it is actually HAPPENING, I'm hoping you will take the time to read this entire entry and if you've ever believed in God, or believed in something you've seen me do through arts, that you will consider supporting us in a couple of ways.
When I use the term "us", I mean supporting you, me, and others. Imagine being able to be a part of something incredibly new and full of incredible potential, without having to do an incredible amount of work.
By the time you finish reading this blog entry, you can be a partner in this new opportunity. You will get free tickets to quality productions, you can tell your friends and family members that you are part of a non-profit organization, that you can brag about the fact you made it possible for a low-income little kid to attend their first dance class, and you were responsible for recapturing the dream of a former little kid ;)
For the past five years, my heart has broken over and over again that CityGate and Turning Point could never accommodate every need that came up. We either had too many participants, or emotionally hurting people there wasn't time to help along with their healing, or too many groups wanting us for touring, too many service projects to accomplish, too many ideas and not enough days to provide artistic opportunities to everyone from low-income kids to later-in-life adults who always wanted to experience the freeing expression of dance and art but were unable to when they were younger for whatever reason.
God pushed me and pushed me, and now, after taking a scary and personally difficult leap in June, He is busting down doors to make a way for The Royal Stage. We will have three different levels in which people can get involved, and you can read about it on our website.
We have our board confirmed, we have a fiscal sponsor until we complete our 501(c)3 registration so all donations are tax-deductible right away, and we have our rehearsal and performance space. We have our teachers and we have our creative planning team. We have registered participants, and we already have three local groups and a mainstage group starting this fall.
But we really need your help. Yes, you! I understand that we are bombarded these days with pleas in every form for prayer, support and promotion. I once got all but eaten alive by a Christian architect who I asked to consider sponsoring a Turning Point show.
"Do you think just because I am a Christian I am going to give time and finances away??" he barked.
Okay. I get it. Everyone is swamped and tapped out. Frank and I have given much of our time and finances to what we believe in, so we understand the heavy feeling of being asked to do just ONE. MORE. THING.
But I ask you to keep reading.....
Ten For Eternity is the hope we have been given that God is going to provide every single need The Royal Stage needs. It's our #1 strategy set in place to enjoy seeing His faithfulness.
There is NOTHING like The Royal Stage organization in Sacramento. I haven't been able to find anything like it anywhere, actually. There are pieces of it through different groups - there are a lot of dance ministries, etc. - but to combine everything we are doing to bring outreach, hope, healing, education and faith.....I've yet to see it. Which is why God is probably pushing me so hard.
Careful when you ask Him to use you to do big things.
To become a full-fledged non-profit and accept & serve every single person who comes through our door, we need people to participate in Ten for Eternity.
Pray for Us (or think good thoughts for us - whatever floats your boat)
We need people to pray for us and we have set up two times so you know others are praying right along with you. 10am or 10pm. Pick one. Comment on this blog or fill out a prayer form through our website so we know and can thank you!
Tell 10 People About Us.
And if you can tell more, then fabulous! Make us viral. Make us your FB status msg. Twitter our website. And please, consider right clicking and saving the image below, and making it your social networking profile pic for one week with a caption.
Example?: Make this image your facebook profile pic, and under caption, put "Please support this new group! I am!" or something like that, and include a link to our website.

Sponsor $10 a month
Seriously. Ten bucks. Again, if you can do more, then that is super appreciated. But we need 1,000 monthly sponsors.
"Wow Tam, that's a big number!" True. But I serve a big God. So why should I be intimidated? Plus, I know all of you lovely people are going to pull through for us. You can visit our website and fill out an Intent to Sponsor form WITHOUT GIVING A DIME, or you can click here to make a difference right away:
Sorry for all of you Facebookers who got a little TOO excited about my cryptic FB status msgs in preparation of today. Let's get a couple things out of the way - we are not moving, and we are not pregnant. Sorry to disappoint :)
I know I've spoken about my ultimate dream for a long time now, and especially on my blog, but now that it is actually HAPPENING, I'm hoping you will take the time to read this entire entry and if you've ever believed in God, or believed in something you've seen me do through arts, that you will consider supporting us in a couple of ways.
When I use the term "us", I mean supporting you, me, and others. Imagine being able to be a part of something incredibly new and full of incredible potential, without having to do an incredible amount of work.
By the time you finish reading this blog entry, you can be a partner in this new opportunity. You will get free tickets to quality productions, you can tell your friends and family members that you are part of a non-profit organization, that you can brag about the fact you made it possible for a low-income little kid to attend their first dance class, and you were responsible for recapturing the dream of a former little kid ;)
For the past five years, my heart has broken over and over again that CityGate and Turning Point could never accommodate every need that came up. We either had too many participants, or emotionally hurting people there wasn't time to help along with their healing, or too many groups wanting us for touring, too many service projects to accomplish, too many ideas and not enough days to provide artistic opportunities to everyone from low-income kids to later-in-life adults who always wanted to experience the freeing expression of dance and art but were unable to when they were younger for whatever reason.
God pushed me and pushed me, and now, after taking a scary and personally difficult leap in June, He is busting down doors to make a way for The Royal Stage. We will have three different levels in which people can get involved, and you can read about it on our website.
We have our board confirmed, we have a fiscal sponsor until we complete our 501(c)3 registration so all donations are tax-deductible right away, and we have our rehearsal and performance space. We have our teachers and we have our creative planning team. We have registered participants, and we already have three local groups and a mainstage group starting this fall.
But we really need your help. Yes, you! I understand that we are bombarded these days with pleas in every form for prayer, support and promotion. I once got all but eaten alive by a Christian architect who I asked to consider sponsoring a Turning Point show.
"Do you think just because I am a Christian I am going to give time and finances away??" he barked.
Okay. I get it. Everyone is swamped and tapped out. Frank and I have given much of our time and finances to what we believe in, so we understand the heavy feeling of being asked to do just ONE. MORE. THING.
But I ask you to keep reading.....
Ten For Eternity is the hope we have been given that God is going to provide every single need The Royal Stage needs. It's our #1 strategy set in place to enjoy seeing His faithfulness.
There is NOTHING like The Royal Stage organization in Sacramento. I haven't been able to find anything like it anywhere, actually. There are pieces of it through different groups - there are a lot of dance ministries, etc. - but to combine everything we are doing to bring outreach, hope, healing, education and faith.....I've yet to see it. Which is why God is probably pushing me so hard.
Careful when you ask Him to use you to do big things.
To become a full-fledged non-profit and accept & serve every single person who comes through our door, we need people to participate in Ten for Eternity.
Pray for Us (or think good thoughts for us - whatever floats your boat)
We need people to pray for us and we have set up two times so you know others are praying right along with you. 10am or 10pm. Pick one. Comment on this blog or fill out a prayer form through our website so we know and can thank you!
Tell 10 People About Us.
And if you can tell more, then fabulous! Make us viral. Make us your FB status msg. Twitter our website. And please, consider right clicking and saving the image below, and making it your social networking profile pic for one week with a caption.
Example?: Make this image your facebook profile pic, and under caption, put "Please support this new group! I am!" or something like that, and include a link to our website.
Sponsor $10 a month
Seriously. Ten bucks. Again, if you can do more, then that is super appreciated. But we need 1,000 monthly sponsors.
"Wow Tam, that's a big number!" True. But I serve a big God. So why should I be intimidated? Plus, I know all of you lovely people are going to pull through for us. You can visit our website and fill out an Intent to Sponsor form WITHOUT GIVING A DIME, or you can click here to make a difference right away:
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Life and Baking
Over the 4th of July weekend, I did a lot of baking. I made sugar donut muffins for one of my favorite couples who was coming over for lunch, and have been renamed by them as "heaven drops." They came out fine - they are super easy and it would be pretty hard to screw them up.
Then, I made an outdoorsy cake for the birthday of one of my favorite friends.
It came out pretty cute
Then, I baked a red, white and blue cake for the Warta family get together the next day.
This is the photo from the recipe:
Here's mine:
As much as I go on and on about wanting my own bakery someday....it better be exclusively cupcakes and one-layer cakes. Apparently I am not ready for the big leagues.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Life Is Not a Snapshot
Less than a week ago, I got an email from the senior pastor of the church we just left. It was in response to something I had emailed him - and what I extended in love was reciprocated right back with more love. It's nice to know that really, after the smoke cleared, we were blessed to leave with strong relationships and mutual respect with a lot of people.
In fact, I think our friendships are preserved with every single person we care about over there (well, except one, but she knows where to find me if she reconsiders...) and that is really refreshing and a blessing. Sure, things will never be how we planned - we did not expect to spend only five years as a part of that congregation - but it is nice the way they have turned out anyhow :)
I have that Josh Wilson song 'Before the Morning" constantly on my iPod lately - I just love the lyrics:
"and hold on, cause there's good for those who love God,
life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
but you'll see the bigger picture..."
I am glad things aren't a snapshot, and that they are constantly evolving - and now, we will just enjoy the perpetual dinner dates all over our summer calendar with a ton of Harvest families we love and miss so much. Thank you, everyone, for staying so strongly in our lives! And we're so excited with the things God is going to do in our family this year and beyond. He is so good. Even when I am annoyed and don't understand His goodness at times, I am glad that also evolves to only become MORE good and MORE loving as I grow in Him.
There are a lot of things I haven't expected in life lately....
In fact, I think our friendships are preserved with every single person we care about over there (well, except one, but she knows where to find me if she reconsiders...) and that is really refreshing and a blessing. Sure, things will never be how we planned - we did not expect to spend only five years as a part of that congregation - but it is nice the way they have turned out anyhow :)
I have that Josh Wilson song 'Before the Morning" constantly on my iPod lately - I just love the lyrics:
"and hold on, cause there's good for those who love God,
life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
but you'll see the bigger picture..."
I am glad things aren't a snapshot, and that they are constantly evolving - and now, we will just enjoy the perpetual dinner dates all over our summer calendar with a ton of Harvest families we love and miss so much. Thank you, everyone, for staying so strongly in our lives! And we're so excited with the things God is going to do in our family this year and beyond. He is so good. Even when I am annoyed and don't understand His goodness at times, I am glad that also evolves to only become MORE good and MORE loving as I grow in Him.
There are a lot of things I haven't expected in life lately....
- i LOVE having a boy. I cannot even picture myself with a daughter now, even though it is what I was really hoping for a couple of years ago. Being the mother of a little boy is the coolest thing ever - and also the most exhausting :) But oh the loves!!!! xoxoxo Sam <3
- it is shocking and scary when you invest yourself in a friendship fully, and then realize that other person just invested in YOU because it was convenient, and then you suddenly find yourself so easily replaceable. That stinks, you know?
- it's so healing to spend time with friends who have been waiting for you all along - and really care.
- i really, really like brownies when they are baked in a glass pan. They are so gushy and wonderful - I guess I do like chocolate a little bit after all.
- marriage is worth it. even when it's tough.
- God is blowing down the house built out of my expectations, and replacing it with a MANSION of dreams come true - I am so stoked to share more soon!!!!!!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
America Bless God, and God Help Me.
A very, very long time ago in a land far away (well, about two hours away) - something terrible happened over 4th of July weekend. And ever since, it seems like a piece of my heart is always missing on this day. For years, the ache was there - it was so hard to not think about everything, to remember what life was like before it happened, and wondered if it would ever be the same.
Fireworks always made me the most sad - they always make me reflective for some reason - I can't figure out why, but whenever I watch them it's like a movie reel of past summers loop in my head - fireworks are so pretty, life is such a pretty thing too - and yet such a gorgeous mess - and they always made me cry.
Then, years later, I went through the 4th of July motions - ate BBQ, watched fireworks, etc. - and as we were leaving the park it hit me - hey this 4th of July wasn't too shabby! I really enjoyed myself, actually! And ever since then, 4th of Julys have been fine by me, and everything is normal.
This year is different - this year it has all come rushing back - I am dreading the 4th, even though I have a lot of fun things planned to try to avoid going back to that place. But....I can tell this is going to be a rough one. It's back to that whole ripped out heart feeling - and now I am descending into the worst writing quality, because there aren't any words for how much it hurts.
I really, really miss that part of life. Because it isn't gone or dead - it's just separated from me now, and there is a very slim chance of it ever being restored. I wonder if that portion of my life ever misses me too - if it thinks about me, and if it ever longs to be clicked back into place as badly as I want it to be.
I try to be a "never look back" sort of girl - but it's difficult when something is ripped away from you before you're ready to let go. The ache is tremendous.
No matter what I think, say or do tomorrow - it should probably be assumed the fireworks will make me cry.
Fireworks always made me the most sad - they always make me reflective for some reason - I can't figure out why, but whenever I watch them it's like a movie reel of past summers loop in my head - fireworks are so pretty, life is such a pretty thing too - and yet such a gorgeous mess - and they always made me cry.
Then, years later, I went through the 4th of July motions - ate BBQ, watched fireworks, etc. - and as we were leaving the park it hit me - hey this 4th of July wasn't too shabby! I really enjoyed myself, actually! And ever since then, 4th of Julys have been fine by me, and everything is normal.
This year is different - this year it has all come rushing back - I am dreading the 4th, even though I have a lot of fun things planned to try to avoid going back to that place. But....I can tell this is going to be a rough one. It's back to that whole ripped out heart feeling - and now I am descending into the worst writing quality, because there aren't any words for how much it hurts.
I really, really miss that part of life. Because it isn't gone or dead - it's just separated from me now, and there is a very slim chance of it ever being restored. I wonder if that portion of my life ever misses me too - if it thinks about me, and if it ever longs to be clicked back into place as badly as I want it to be.
I try to be a "never look back" sort of girl - but it's difficult when something is ripped away from you before you're ready to let go. The ache is tremendous.
No matter what I think, say or do tomorrow - it should probably be assumed the fireworks will make me cry.
Friday, July 2, 2010
July Love
June is gone, and July is receiving a warm welcome in our home. The bible says He "makes all things new" and isn't that the truth! This summer is full of new experiences - finding a new church, experiencing summer with an almost-2-year-old for the first time, getting on a plane with my mom (haha), watching God continue to mold and shape the new ministry, etc. I am so excited to see what God has in store. There are a few regular things that come with July this year too, and they make my heart smile.
1) Cabin Fever Creativity

We come up with crazy things to do when it gets too darn hot to go outside. This was our bottom drawer kitchen parade earlier this week. The rules: Use anything out of the bottom kitchen cabinet (plus part of mommy's sweater, because it's a SWEATER and it was 104 outside, so who flipping cares about the sweater....), and make as much noise as you can.
2) Dollar Scoop Night
I never should have told Frank about this. I haven't enjoyed Baskin Robbin's Dollar Scoop Night since college, and now every Tuesday Frank gets home from work and asks me if I want to go pretty much the second after we finish dinner. My husband, Mr. Google himself with his endless knowledge, had been living completely in the dark about dollar scoop night until I told him about it.
I love love love LOVE (did I mention LOVE?) the new BRight ice creams - slow churned, low fat lemon cream pie or strawberry shortcake in a scoop of ice cream. Heavenly.
3) Swimming, swimming, swimming.
I love to swim. I love to do ANYTHING in the water, and it's fun to live somewhere where it is consistently warm every single day of the month to swim. But swimming is definitely a bit different this year....

4) Fireworks
I also love that I live in a county where fireworks are LEGAL! It's thrilling to almost set fire to our gigantic front yard tree each year, and I think my little sister has made it tradition to come up for a visit during 4th of July just for that reason.
5) Vacation!!!! :)

Oh Kauai, marry me! Ah well, until then I will settle for our one week love affair. So excited!
Wartas = blessed. <3
1) Cabin Fever Creativity
We come up with crazy things to do when it gets too darn hot to go outside. This was our bottom drawer kitchen parade earlier this week. The rules: Use anything out of the bottom kitchen cabinet (plus part of mommy's sweater, because it's a SWEATER and it was 104 outside, so who flipping cares about the sweater....), and make as much noise as you can.
2) Dollar Scoop Night
I never should have told Frank about this. I haven't enjoyed Baskin Robbin's Dollar Scoop Night since college, and now every Tuesday Frank gets home from work and asks me if I want to go pretty much the second after we finish dinner. My husband, Mr. Google himself with his endless knowledge, had been living completely in the dark about dollar scoop night until I told him about it.
I love love love LOVE (did I mention LOVE?) the new BRight ice creams - slow churned, low fat lemon cream pie or strawberry shortcake in a scoop of ice cream. Heavenly.
3) Swimming, swimming, swimming.
I love to swim. I love to do ANYTHING in the water, and it's fun to live somewhere where it is consistently warm every single day of the month to swim. But swimming is definitely a bit different this year....
4) Fireworks
I also love that I live in a county where fireworks are LEGAL! It's thrilling to almost set fire to our gigantic front yard tree each year, and I think my little sister has made it tradition to come up for a visit during 4th of July just for that reason.
5) Vacation!!!! :)
Oh Kauai, marry me! Ah well, until then I will settle for our one week love affair. So excited!
Wartas = blessed. <3
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