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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Cookie Sorrow

Sam rarely gets in trouble. He's a five year old boy, so by default he is energetic, wiggly and distracted. But, he rarely exhibits genuinely bad or punish-worthy behavior. We do about one time out every couple months or so, and that's pretty much it.

But this morning, he was driving me nuts. This week as a whole has been a challenge, a lot of impatience and "me first" mentality. It's definitely defining for me what character traits we need to focus our efforts on during these last few months before summer. Charlotte will be working on patience and consideration. Sam will be working on....patience.

So this morning, he wanted a cookie in his lunch. He was going to get a cookie in his lunch before he even decided to get involved.

"Mommy, please put a cookie in my lunch."

"I will."

"Is the cookie in my lunch yet?"

"You will get a cookie. I am making your sandwich right now."

"Mommy! I need a cookie!"

I don't respond.

"Mommy, don't forget my cookie. I need a cookie in my lunch. Those good kind we had yesterday."

I continue packing things into his lunchbox.

"Mommy! You BETTER give me a cookie!"

Whoa, excuse me? I don't take threats from my children. Goodbye, cookie. I throw some cranberries into a bag instead.

"What about my cookie?"

"You're not getting one anymore."

"Well FINE! I will just have one at snack time at school today! Ha!" He stomps away.

When we got to school, I walked him into class and I told his teacher he wasn't allowed to have any sweets today because he was disrespectful. It usually wouldn't have been a big deal because they don't serve them sweets regularly. they had banana bread all ready to eat. Sam is like a monkey to banana anything. Bummer for him :/

He came home with this.

Heartbreaker, sheesh! 

It's important to note there was NO punishment, time out or penalty beyond skipping the banana bread. It must've been really delicious looking to warrant this! 

I love my sweet boy, and I'm grateful he goes to a school where his teachers uphold our wishes and teach him about responsibility and kindness. 

P.S. - Don't tell Frank, but I let him have a cookie when he got home from school. 

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