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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, Happy Life

Ever since I wrote the Project 365 script many moons ago, I've wanted to complete a real life Project 365. Then, life got in the way. I did great for awhile, but then my ambition started to taper off. Then, I started hating the name because it was also the name of some photography social networking thing, and it just didn't seem as special.

But the concept still is, and I know God placed it upon my heart to do. And I can really not complain about being too busy, because if we are too busy to help, love and show Christ to one another - what does everything else count for?

So the rules:

1) I will share God's love with someone, somehow once per day
2) I will record the results here in this blog
3) I will not give myself a hard time if I skip a day - it's a good thing, and I won't make it negative.
4) I will get it published. Yes, dang it. I will.

Of course, I spent the final hours of New Year's Eve rather dreading 2013 because not only had I had an absolutely fantastic 2012, but I was nervous to start. How stupid as a ministry founder and outgoing person to be afraid to share Christ's love - but I am all the time. I am grateful that fear rarely stops me from doing things though, so here we go.

Day 1, we all went to Target for storage bins because our Christmas decorations magically no longer fit in the bin we have. I don't know why, but something weird happened and I had a Target gift card so decided to go on an organizational spree to get the entire house placed into bins, baskets and shelving.

I told Frank on the way over that I am restarting the yet to be named love project, and then stepped out of the car to see a woman approaching us. She looked disheveled, exhausted and incredibly hung over and said her friend was supposed to pick her up from work, never showed up, and could she have $6.00 for the bus.

Woo hoo! Could she ever! I love that God brought Project #1 to me as conveniently as pizza delivery. And wait, it really costs $6 to ride the bus now? I am old.....

She was so grateful, and told us she had been asking people for awhile and no one had helped her. And off she went to the bus stop.

I should have said more. I told her Happy New Year. What about God loves you? Jesus died for you? I did this because God told me to?


Then, I realized that I forgot the gift card at home and we couldn't buy anything anyway.

Grateful it wasn't a wasted trip.

I'll do better tomorrow. Baby steps. It's been awhile.

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