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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vision for 2013 Part One: Sweet Sam

Family vision is big on my heart as 2012 comes to a close. I'm trying to hold myself back from biting off way more I can chew with this, as everything I think about instantly turns into a "project", but I think I've got it down to wanting to focus on these key areas for 2013 to be successful, and most importantly, joyful. Of course, all of this must go with the flow of God's will, which we've well learned y now can be way different than ours, and life is much more agreeable if we just lean into it rather than fighting against it. Our Daddy always knows what's best anyhow!

Sam is a big presence in my mind right now. Obviously he and Charlotte both always are, but Sam has a particularly big year coming up. In 2013, he will start Kindergarten, finish his final year of CBS, and will get to direct his own passions a bit.

 Sam made me so proud in 2012:

  • He shows consistent compassion for others 
  • He accepted Jesus as his Savior last month, and hasn't forgotten this important step. 
  •  He has an incredible sense of humor 
  • He isn't even 4 and a half yet, but has a 2nd grade reading level.
  •  He went through surgery again. This was the first he was old enough to really understand what was going on, and the first time he expressed fear, anger and pain over it. And then he graciously thanked his nurses and doctors and celebrated the fact he hopefully will never see them again!
  •  He expresses such love and patience toward his sister. (most of the time). And trust me, she does everything possible to annoy him sometimes.

He has started helping with household chores with joy and obedience. He learned for the first time through being at Royal Stage with me about kids who don't have parents who love them in the right ways, and he grasped the concepts of gratefulness, generosity and grace for the first time. I love this boy.

 My 2013 Goals for Sam
  • To expose him to joyful service. He has compassion, we want to teach him little actions. 
  •  To grow in God's word - we've started a FABULOUS children's daily devotional. It is the sweetest time and I hope it continues! 
  • To give him regular, consistent responsibilities at home. 
  • To select a Kindergarten we both love, and that he will thrive at. To allow him to explore his own interests, even if that means cutting down on mine (and it will. and that's okay)

  Prayers Answered 

  I continue to pray biblical virtues over our children. It's been so fun to see answered prayer through Sam.

This year we saw: - Salvation! - Growth in grace - Love for God's Word - Courage - Kindness - Generosity - Contentment - Gratitude

This year I'm praying for: - Self-control (do any 4 year olds have this?!) - Responsibility - Honesty & integrity - Did I mention self control?

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