Happy Easter! It was a goodie!

Charlotte pretty much hated her Easter dress. :)

But she tried to be a good sport nonetheless.

My sweet ones <3

Feeling a little better!

Sam was positively zonked after the Easter party @ Miss Elisa's.

I planned a glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt for Sam. He loved it. Thank you Pinterest! :)

Same wall in the dark.

After finding all his eggs.

Miss Elisa's backyard is a blessing while we wait to get ours up to speed!

Aron & Charlotte....doing her Columbo face....

Saying grace before their lunch of Easter quesadillas :)

Look, Myriah! Someone let me write the names on the buckets despite my 3rd grade penmanship ;)

The big kids helped with the hunt.

I loved their happy faces when they ate the cupcakes we brought.

Went to an Easter event at a church by our house...now hold back, kids. This hugely intricate egg hunt was only for those 3 and under ;)

And he's off! Or rather, IN to the packing peanuts.

Charlotte was considered 3 and under too. And she went for it.

More eggs from our glow-in-the-dark hunt at home.

Bounce house!!!!!!!!

She got just as much of a kick out of watching her big brother.

Giant slide!!!!!!!

Easter baskets for the boy and for the girl. Put together by mommy but proudly sponsored by Daddy and Nonna.

Sam took a picture with a bear on Easter weekend. They had a dog, bear and lion....not sure if the Easter Bunny costumes were all sold out or if it was this church's attempt to keep things "un-bunny" in light of the importance of our Savior, but Sam didn't seem to mind either way :)
Hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Easter weekend. Ours was such a sweet time with family, and seeing Charlotte's eyes full of wonder as she experienced the holiday for the first time. <3
Loved this! That first pic of Charlotte is so sad, and SO sweet. Love it!