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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
April Showers of Little Victories
Into the Woods is over and done with. I have no photos. The show was wonderful - we pulled it off big time. Every criticism that we received, every fear people had - it all turned out to be the best it possibly could be. People told us that they have gone to see professional productions that weren't as good as ours, that we had one of the most professional groups in the region in terms of talent and countenance. Our teens really know how to speak well and graciously to an audience. Our adults are so gifted and passionate on stage...etc. etc. I am so grateful for these words that have gradually reached me - I am glad the ministry survived - because honestly there were times I didn't think it would. GOD prevailed. Crappy attitudes and twisted viewpoints were SQUISHED under the power & might of our surrender to the Lord. And we learned a lot. Oh heck, did we EVER learn a lot.
And for those of you who missed my singing solo on stage? Sorry. Can't exactly say maybe next time, because me singing in public is kind of like sitting around waiting for a comet. You're gonna be waiting a long time ;)
During the final prep for Into the Woods, I received an invitation to complete a 3-week trial with a web publication owned and operated by the New York Times. I was so insanely excited to be a finalist for it, and worked my hardest and prayed a lot. Prayed more than worked, sadly, because of all the Royal Stage stuff going on. Then I forced myself to forget about it and went off to enjoy our four awesome performances.
Then this morning I received word that I GOT THE CONTRACT! This is such a tremendous blessing to our family, and to my "career." I am so relieved and grateful for the time I've put in, and was even doubly blessed by the outpouring of support I got on Facebook when I posted about it. You all are the best! :)
Even though I've been published as a writer since 2004, I don't think I've ever "felt" published and legitimized with Web work until I found out I got this contract. I have a little cupboard filled with magazines and newspapers who have printed my work. I go to look at it sometimes when I feel sorry for myself and the perpetual fading of quality writing on PAPER ;) But now....the Internet and I are all good :) I will spend less time with the cupboard.
But now, there is a new problem. The zero percent problem. God COMPLETELY provided for our spring programs at Royal Stage. Completely! It was actually sort of amazing. But now we start over. Now we have a big gaping hole in funding where a building needs to materialize for us to rehearse in come fall. We have about 3 months to earn enough money to find a place to call "home."
I would give up all the writing jobs in the world to see this happen. And it's easier now than ever before to donate. It takes literally 2 minutes. Please help - because THIS in a lot of ways is truly my first love, and if you support me, you should consider supporting IT in either prayer or by pushing us closer to that building. Please forgive me if I sound ungrateful - it's just that it's so easy to do so much with so little. We aren't seeking out millionaires here <3
Look, I am even making the donation button PINK :)
Love My Boy
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
11 Months
She's standing, clapping, does a mean Itsy Bitsy Spider and can say mama, dada and bye bye. Harvard here we come! She also wakes up nightly to hit the bottle at 4am, and when Frank discovers I am only pretending to still be asleep and I have to get up and feed her, I don't even mind because I know she's my last baby and such a precious gift. Can't wait for the birthday bash! <3
Saturday, April 21, 2012
So true - Oswald Chambers....
A servant of God must stand so very much alone that he never realizes he is alone. In the early stages of the Christian life, disappointments will come— people who used to be lights will flicker out, and those who used to stand with us will turn away. We have to get so used to it that we will not even realize we are standing alone. Paul said, “. . . no one stood with me, but all forsook me . . . . But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me . . .” (2 Timothy 4:16-17). We must build our faith not on fading lights but on the Light that never fails. When “important” individuals go away we are sad, until we see that they are meant to go, so that only one thing is left for us to do— to look into the face of God for ourselves.
We are never called on to display our doubts openly or to express the hidden joys and delights of our life with God. The secret of the servant’s life is that he stays in tune with God all the time.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
He Is Risen!

Hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Easter weekend. Ours was such a sweet time with family, and seeing Charlotte's eyes full of wonder as she experienced the holiday for the first time. <3