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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Love My Husband, Love My Ministry

Frank and dance are not usually mentioned together in the same sentence. He makes sure of that. He is a behind-the-scenes kinda guy, and although he has some wildly entertaining dance moves, they are unfortunately only accessible to the audience of myself and our offspring.

But this past weekend was an exception to the rule (the association, not the Frank dance, darn it), and Frank volunteered to accompany me on a trip down to Southern California with a big chunk of the Royal Stage dancers. And he agreed to drive. And it was our anniversary weekend.

Bless his heart. Because really.....

But I digress. The weekend was fantastic. The dancers ministered in a convalescent home and were incredibly gracious when they got comments like, "Wow! What a group of gorgeous girls! I'm serious! Not a single one of you is ugly!" (spoken from an old dude in his late 70s while he checked out their booties), and some also helped work at a thrift store to benefit battered women. Then they went on to rock the 15th annual Southern California Christian Dance Concert, where many of us experienced that our dance with the faux blindfolds quickly became a case of REAL blindness when the fabric hit the stage lights.


Then, we went to Disneyland. It is really one of my favorite things in life to go to Disneyland with people who have never been there before. Two of the dancers never had, and it was so funny as they were practically in tears going into the park. Love it.

But then we ditched them, and went to a fancy dinner.

                                         Our 7th anniversary pic that came out like crap.

                                          Our fancy schmancy all-you-can-eat dessert feast!

It was an incredible time! I hope to post videos of the dance performance  soon <3

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