Leave me alone, world, to sulk in my existence filled with
monotonous meals and big brother eye jabs.
But more and more I am learning that feelings are often false. To put our own desires before those of God, means stunting our growth spiritually and relationally.
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. - Hebrews 5:12-14 (MSG)
In other words, I need to grow. I get cramped, restless and grumpy when I stop my own life growth with what I want. And when things change, even when they hurt, and I reject them, then I am screaming out loud "I don't want God's best for me! I want what I want, and what He wants only matters if it is what I want, and so I really must not want God at all!"
Kind of silly, really. To think I know better than the God of the universe. But then again, I do get that way sometimes. I know there are some nodding in agreement right now. Sorry about that.
There are times when cutting ties is healthy. When you are confident in the fact you've done everything within your power to be a friend. And it's just straight up rejected. There are two different words in the bible:
Friend and Befriend
We should always, no matter what, befriend all who come into our path. To come alongside, assist, and act like a friend.
But to be a FRIEND...I am beginning to believe it should start to be treated more preciously. It is the word, after all, that Christ uses to describe His relationship with us. It is valuable.
Love that knows no limits... Demonstrating perfect trust in another's word. A real friend takes his friend at his word; he doesn't question his integrity. His friend isn't continually called on to "prove himself". He's accepted for who he is, and believed by what he says. Total transparency... nothing hidden.
What a friend we have in Jesus! And in others who God chooses to BE a friend for us, rather than just simply befriending us.
I hope to someday be considered God's best in others' lives when it comes to friendship.
And I doubt it will happen on Facebook. ;)
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