I am constantly amused by the little antics and personality traits that come out of Sam. Especially those in which it's obviously completely my fault or completely Frank's, and there is no denying it. For example....
A simple car ride today.
My fault.
And then his spring community bible study pageant. Where he proceeds to be SO over it and do absolutely nothing on stage for 20 minutes.
Frank's fault.
Oh well, at least he isn't leaping wildly off the stage like some of those other crazy kids.
It's the little things.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Traditions Looking Forward
Frank came home from work tonight all excited about camping. I have no clue where this exuberation came from, but all of a sudden, he is taking Sam on a "men's" weekend this summer to live in a tent and get dirty.
This plan made me smile, even if it means being home alone with a newborn for an entire weekend. I love it when Frank gets excited about something, because if you know him, you know he is just the most even-keel guy around and for him to burst into the house "Me and Jumbo are going CAMPING in June!" Well.....you better get excited too!
All of the chatter about camping tonight made me reflect upon and look forward to the traditions we are starting to form as a family of soon to be four.
Frank has already decided that he is going to be taking Baby C out for Valentine's Day. Oh heck no she will not replace mommy when it comes to the spoiling and fancy dinner demands, but I think it's sweet he wants to do something special with his girl around this day, and I know it will make a strong impact on her as she gets older, and gets sound advice from her daddy in regards to *ugh* boys. He's already planned a special time to train her up in protecting her heart, and also just loving on his little girl, and I love that.
Easter was a total bust this year, because Sam went to Disneyland with Kayla and the grandparents, so we didn't do much. But after a lot of thought, I've decided that each spring I will do a springtime basket for Sam and C. I'll make it a surprise day, so they will never know QUITE when to expect it, but they will get one every spring filled with goodies - exactly like an Easter basket. Easter itself will be reserved for Jesus. I won't pitch a fit if others give them Easter treats - but for me personally, I am going to choose to celebrate my kiddos and the coming of Spring in a similar way, on a different day.
Custom birthdays at a certain age. I am completely lifting this idea from a family friend who let's their kids design a theme weekend birthday when they turn 10. They choose whatever it is they want to do within reason, and the whole family has to go along with it. Awesome! :) This friend's 10 year old had a cotton candy themed birthday with a trip to the Boardwalk and the Jelly Belly Factory - a total celebration of her and her sugar addiction. So hilarious and cute. I can't wait to see what Sam and C come up with.
And Christmas. And Disneyland. And summer evening treats. And special first day of school breakfasts. And never making them come in out of the rain.
Okay, I am excited to be a mommy again. :) 17 days to go!
This plan made me smile, even if it means being home alone with a newborn for an entire weekend. I love it when Frank gets excited about something, because if you know him, you know he is just the most even-keel guy around and for him to burst into the house "Me and Jumbo are going CAMPING in June!" Well.....you better get excited too!
All of the chatter about camping tonight made me reflect upon and look forward to the traditions we are starting to form as a family of soon to be four.
Frank has already decided that he is going to be taking Baby C out for Valentine's Day. Oh heck no she will not replace mommy when it comes to the spoiling and fancy dinner demands, but I think it's sweet he wants to do something special with his girl around this day, and I know it will make a strong impact on her as she gets older, and gets sound advice from her daddy in regards to *ugh* boys. He's already planned a special time to train her up in protecting her heart, and also just loving on his little girl, and I love that.
Easter was a total bust this year, because Sam went to Disneyland with Kayla and the grandparents, so we didn't do much. But after a lot of thought, I've decided that each spring I will do a springtime basket for Sam and C. I'll make it a surprise day, so they will never know QUITE when to expect it, but they will get one every spring filled with goodies - exactly like an Easter basket. Easter itself will be reserved for Jesus. I won't pitch a fit if others give them Easter treats - but for me personally, I am going to choose to celebrate my kiddos and the coming of Spring in a similar way, on a different day.
Custom birthdays at a certain age. I am completely lifting this idea from a family friend who let's their kids design a theme weekend birthday when they turn 10. They choose whatever it is they want to do within reason, and the whole family has to go along with it. Awesome! :) This friend's 10 year old had a cotton candy themed birthday with a trip to the Boardwalk and the Jelly Belly Factory - a total celebration of her and her sugar addiction. So hilarious and cute. I can't wait to see what Sam and C come up with.
And Christmas. And Disneyland. And summer evening treats. And special first day of school breakfasts. And never making them come in out of the rain.
Okay, I am excited to be a mommy again. :) 17 days to go!
Why I Love Obama
If you're one of the many conservative Christians I know, that blog title probably sent a surge of rage through your veins. Sorry about that. Please allow me to start over.
I don't love Obama. I am not particularly impressed with the way he's held office, and I am not particularly disappointed either. I hold fiercely to my "right wing, left wing, chicken wing" stance when it comes to politics. Some of my views on things like abortion are pretty old school and very much to the right, while other issues that have come up specifically in California leave me on the fence or dancing over to the left.
But this I know.
I am called to love President Obama just as I would my church family, my next door neighbor, or my best friend.
I know people personally that take a jab at this dude every single chance they get. Their facebook is littered with hateful propaganda, or they fill time sending email forwards urging me to boycott this or write a letter to so and so to STOP THIS MAN! And while that is all well and good, the thing that bothers me is not the agenda - but the attitude.
Today Obama released his long form birth certificate for all the world to see. The obsession over it by the American public was already sort of ridiculous, and never would have been an issue had this man um, looked like past presidents, and let's leave it at that. I am so glad that people are going to have to shush now that it's been issued. Though, I know, they will just move onto the next thing. Poor guy. Let him do his job, even if he doesn't always do it perfectly. Because you aren't perfect at work either.
This writer says exactly what is continually on my heart. So I'll let him wrap this up.
But really Christians, can we please stop behaving badly, and start to act in love as we are called to? Otherwise, just keep the veers from biblical truth off of my Facebook and out of my inbox.
I don't love Obama. I am not particularly impressed with the way he's held office, and I am not particularly disappointed either. I hold fiercely to my "right wing, left wing, chicken wing" stance when it comes to politics. Some of my views on things like abortion are pretty old school and very much to the right, while other issues that have come up specifically in California leave me on the fence or dancing over to the left.
But this I know.
I am called to love President Obama just as I would my church family, my next door neighbor, or my best friend.
I know people personally that take a jab at this dude every single chance they get. Their facebook is littered with hateful propaganda, or they fill time sending email forwards urging me to boycott this or write a letter to so and so to STOP THIS MAN! And while that is all well and good, the thing that bothers me is not the agenda - but the attitude.
Today Obama released his long form birth certificate for all the world to see. The obsession over it by the American public was already sort of ridiculous, and never would have been an issue had this man um, looked like past presidents, and let's leave it at that. I am so glad that people are going to have to shush now that it's been issued. Though, I know, they will just move onto the next thing. Poor guy. Let him do his job, even if he doesn't always do it perfectly. Because you aren't perfect at work either.
This writer says exactly what is continually on my heart. So I'll let him wrap this up.
But really Christians, can we please stop behaving badly, and start to act in love as we are called to? Otherwise, just keep the veers from biblical truth off of my Facebook and out of my inbox.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Delight of My Heart
God and I have learned to laugh together.
That may seem an odd statement, but for so many years I pictured God as someone who was just plain mad at me. God never did anything to make me feel that way - but the world did. A lot. And I did it to myself, consistently being my own worst enemy, my own worst critic.
I grew up with a father who so desperately wanted me to be pretty. Even a couple of weeks ago while I was home visiting and was wearing a brand new dress for my baby shower, he said "Well.....you look fine, I guess. You just look so.....pregnant. Can you look less....big?"
Thanks, Daddy-O, just what every 8 month pregnant lady longs to hear!
I've never had any self esteem to spare. I grew up believing to improve oneself from the outside in, and basically sucked at it.
I could share my lunch, lip gloss or life story with you - but it's truly been an uphill battle getting to love who I am. Imagine life everyday with the person you consider to be the ugliest, meanest, most annoying person on earth. That's what it felt like walking around with myself.
But the past year has really been a journey of living to laugh with God. I'm embracing my imperfections and realizing you really don't have to ever be flawless in order to be impactful.
I've gotten brave.
So now, I am relishing in God's joy. His joy in my learning His true character, and in guiding my steps as I have just experienced so much this year - and oh wow is that "experiencing" going to continue in May!
Baby C is going to be with us soon, soon, soon! And in typical insanely-scheduled fashion, I am directing a show that closes 8 days before our delivery date, and teaching dance and creative writing to 4th-12th graders at an academy until 3 days before D-day. Can we say stupid idea? But really, still so much fun and amazing.
If you can, please come see Counterclaim. I know the promotions and invitations get tedious, but I really do just love this show so much. Like I said, I got brave this year. The writing of the script is an example - I'm not afraid to make people uncomfortable or mad. I am fully charged to show them God's love.
theroyalstage.org = CHEAP tickets. Embarrassingly so. Not sure what we were thinking. Take advantage.
I love feeling loved by God. Working in ministry continues to teach me the importance of developing rhinocerous skin and a marshmallow heart. It shouldn't be any other way. And being a mommy has taught me the importance of just entering into Christ's acceptance and love with unabandoned joy.
Just like a crazy happy 2-year-old.
That may seem an odd statement, but for so many years I pictured God as someone who was just plain mad at me. God never did anything to make me feel that way - but the world did. A lot. And I did it to myself, consistently being my own worst enemy, my own worst critic.
I grew up with a father who so desperately wanted me to be pretty. Even a couple of weeks ago while I was home visiting and was wearing a brand new dress for my baby shower, he said "Well.....you look fine, I guess. You just look so.....pregnant. Can you look less....big?"
Thanks, Daddy-O, just what every 8 month pregnant lady longs to hear!
I've never had any self esteem to spare. I grew up believing to improve oneself from the outside in, and basically sucked at it.
I could share my lunch, lip gloss or life story with you - but it's truly been an uphill battle getting to love who I am. Imagine life everyday with the person you consider to be the ugliest, meanest, most annoying person on earth. That's what it felt like walking around with myself.
But the past year has really been a journey of living to laugh with God. I'm embracing my imperfections and realizing you really don't have to ever be flawless in order to be impactful.
I've gotten brave.
So now, I am relishing in God's joy. His joy in my learning His true character, and in guiding my steps as I have just experienced so much this year - and oh wow is that "experiencing" going to continue in May!
Baby C is going to be with us soon, soon, soon! And in typical insanely-scheduled fashion, I am directing a show that closes 8 days before our delivery date, and teaching dance and creative writing to 4th-12th graders at an academy until 3 days before D-day. Can we say stupid idea? But really, still so much fun and amazing.
If you can, please come see Counterclaim. I know the promotions and invitations get tedious, but I really do just love this show so much. Like I said, I got brave this year. The writing of the script is an example - I'm not afraid to make people uncomfortable or mad. I am fully charged to show them God's love.
theroyalstage.org = CHEAP tickets. Embarrassingly so. Not sure what we were thinking. Take advantage.
I love feeling loved by God. Working in ministry continues to teach me the importance of developing rhinocerous skin and a marshmallow heart. It shouldn't be any other way. And being a mommy has taught me the importance of just entering into Christ's acceptance and love with unabandoned joy.
Just like a crazy happy 2-year-old.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Graduate!
When Sam was discharged from the NICU, we were really blessed to be eligible for developmental services for him right away. He started going to physical therapy at Jabbergym when he was 5 or 6 months old, and we also had an infant development therapist come to our house once a week.
When he turned 18 months, he also became eligible for speech therapy, and when that started, he just took off. He's had some amazing therapists work with him, and many times God has provided us with one who shares our faith. It's brought about some great friendships as we've watched these amazing women pour into our little boy's life.
Today was Sam's graduation day! He's right on target for his age, and no evidence of prematurity remains to the outside observer. We're so proud of him and how much he's grown - and we're amazingly grateful for the help he was able to receive.
I have a baby picture somewhere of him sobbing on this same swing.
Julie is a definite favorite in Sam's life
Almost ready to turn 3 and conquer the world! But first a last hug.
Diploma ;)
When he turned 18 months, he also became eligible for speech therapy, and when that started, he just took off. He's had some amazing therapists work with him, and many times God has provided us with one who shares our faith. It's brought about some great friendships as we've watched these amazing women pour into our little boy's life.
Today was Sam's graduation day! He's right on target for his age, and no evidence of prematurity remains to the outside observer. We're so proud of him and how much he's grown - and we're amazingly grateful for the help he was able to receive.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Half of Baby C's World
My immediate family is not an adventurous bunch. I grew up on the same street my entire life - our "big move" was the summer after Kindergarten to a bigger house on the same street. We even kept the same land line number. Roots run deep in the bay area, and I'm so grateful to continue to have amazing friends there. I've talked about them a million times before on here.
Sometimes it breaks my heart to be here when they are there, and I start to feel left out of a place I feel I still belong. But most of the time, it just brings double joy into my life, and I am grateful for both my world here in Sacramento, and my visits every few months back home to what will probably always be the comfort of familiarity.
My best friend Elisa threw me an adorable baby shower on Sunday, and it was so much fun to enjoy a small gathering of friends and family that I wish I could see every day!

Beautiful pink! Darn good thing I don't get gestational diabetes with my pregnancies....

My friend Mindy is gifted in the arena of diaper crafts :)
These were all of my bridesmaids when we got married. Now they will be C's bay area aunties.

Home <3
Aaaaaand then my sister took a picture of some guy down at the pool. I don't know.
I am so so excited to celebrate with my Sacramento friends and family in a few weeks, and then very soon we are having this baby!!!!!
Sometimes it breaks my heart to be here when they are there, and I start to feel left out of a place I feel I still belong. But most of the time, it just brings double joy into my life, and I am grateful for both my world here in Sacramento, and my visits every few months back home to what will probably always be the comfort of familiarity.
My best friend Elisa threw me an adorable baby shower on Sunday, and it was so much fun to enjoy a small gathering of friends and family that I wish I could see every day!

Beautiful pink! Darn good thing I don't get gestational diabetes with my pregnancies....

My friend Mindy is gifted in the arena of diaper crafts :)

Home <3

I am so so excited to celebrate with my Sacramento friends and family in a few weeks, and then very soon we are having this baby!!!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
How To Make a 2-Year-Old Angry
I like to consider myself to be a pretty relaxed, reasonable mom. I let Sam run around missing various articles of clothing, I let him eat raisins on the couch, and as long as it's legitimately daylight outside, he can crawl into bed with us in the morning. In return, I expect polite behavior, really simple chores, sleeping in his room all night, and lots of kisses. So far, so good!
However, as Sam inches closer to 3, there are a few things that are really starting to get under his skin apparently. You see, you'll only hear about the Terrible Twos until you have a child - then you get access into this secret society that will proceed to inform you that 2 is not that bad - it's actually THREE that you have to watch out for.
I'm beginning to believe them.
So with that being said, here is my not so exhaustive list of things that apparently really bug a 2 - almost - 3 year old.
**Not letting him drive. Seriously. The last week Sam has been devastated that when we go somewhere, he is not allowed to take the wheel. Apparently I am the meanest mother in the world for not letting him drive the car. Not even on side streets.
**Not allowing him to stick fruit snacks in his various bodily openings (nose and ear), or in other people's respective parts (which, in one horribly embarrassing incident, have gone beyond nose and ear).
**Calling us mommy and daddy. Last week, he learned that Frank and I have names that are not mommy and daddy. He was incredulous. Now occassionally, you'll hear a little voice shout "Hey Frank!" across the house, or "Tammy! I need you!" When we ask him to repeat what he just said, he gets a sheepish smile and calls us mommy and daddy again. That's right. Little man aint so bold face to face.
But, he eats his vegetables with a happy heart and talks to Jesus every night. I suppose we can work out the other things on the list :)
However, as Sam inches closer to 3, there are a few things that are really starting to get under his skin apparently. You see, you'll only hear about the Terrible Twos until you have a child - then you get access into this secret society that will proceed to inform you that 2 is not that bad - it's actually THREE that you have to watch out for.
I'm beginning to believe them.
So with that being said, here is my not so exhaustive list of things that apparently really bug a 2 - almost - 3 year old.
**Not letting him drive. Seriously. The last week Sam has been devastated that when we go somewhere, he is not allowed to take the wheel. Apparently I am the meanest mother in the world for not letting him drive the car. Not even on side streets.
**Not allowing him to stick fruit snacks in his various bodily openings (nose and ear), or in other people's respective parts (which, in one horribly embarrassing incident, have gone beyond nose and ear).
**Calling us mommy and daddy. Last week, he learned that Frank and I have names that are not mommy and daddy. He was incredulous. Now occassionally, you'll hear a little voice shout "Hey Frank!" across the house, or "Tammy! I need you!" When we ask him to repeat what he just said, he gets a sheepish smile and calls us mommy and daddy again. That's right. Little man aint so bold face to face.
But, he eats his vegetables with a happy heart and talks to Jesus every night. I suppose we can work out the other things on the list :)
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