Well, a small corner of the world has seen Royal Stage now. We had our debut performance this weekend, and the response was pretty much incredible!
I whined and prayed to God that my biggest fear was we would not secure an audience. It was scary to do something full out without the covering of a single home church. We didn't get the luxury of dominating a foyer for 6 weeks after Sunday morning services to sell tickets and advertise. There weren't any video announcements or preview dances.
A few of the dancers spoke at their churches, but very few....and then BAM - we got over 500 people this weekend! It was amazing - someone heard about it on the radio, others found a flyer at Capezio....it just all sort of worked out and we had a great crowd and, much more importantly, a super great blessing from God.
The teens and adults in this production did fabulously, and I am so excited for our next show in May. I am so grateful for everything that happened, and all the support we received. In hindsight, I can see how God has always been there for us - and how this is truly what we should be doing.
It feels good to be so free to be joyful - the heavy burdens I felt when I ministered in other places are just totally lifted and gone. Was it perfect? No. But was it anointed and protected? Absolutely. :)

"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."
- Rev 3:8
So excited for all that is to come!
It looks great Tammy! I'm sorry we missed it.