I have abandoned all plans of a Christmas post. It just isn't going to happen. But, I refuse to let New Year's get away from me! Sure, I am 18 days late, but it can still count right? I've got this!
2011 was an incredible year - it obviously had its struggles, but it was also such an amazing time of personal restoration. And, Royal Stage had its first productions. AND Charlotte was born. 2011, you were a winner.
Our theme for this year's RS season is "joy" and I think that identifies 2012 perfectly in all areas of my life. This year is bound to just be silly and fun, and yes, still full of challenges - but that is how we are refined. And finally, at long last....I'm cool with that.
12 Things I've Learned Going Into '12....
1. Tighten My Circles

If you're in this photo, it's not the elimination round. This is actually a snapshot from over the holidays filled with girls I want to KEEP in my life, as well as several others. I've decided you cannot lead someone to the Lord through Facebook statuses. I mean, I guess you CAN, but I don't think it's my gifting....I am going delete crazy on my friends list, going to focus on quality time and hand written letters, and hopefully have a handful of close friends, rather than 700+ faux friends. I am blessed to be close to so many girls - I want to value that and maintain the relationships that count.
2. Prayer Counts
I come from a crazy lineage. If you don't already know, we won't go there. But something even crazier happened toward the end of this past year. I started praying fervently and unabandoned. And then one of my crazy relatives accepted Christ. And then I got a phone call the other day from someone claiming to be my father, saying he loved what he was reading in the Bible. Excuse me? Who are you?! So this is likely my biggest lesson learned going into the new year - to continue to pray with urgency, with tears, with thankfulness.
3. Read More/Write MoreSo many books I want to read....two manuscripts I want to write.....it's time.....and yes what your English teacher said is true - the more you read, the better you will write. So let's get cracking.
4. Get OrganizedThis one is still very much in progress, but shockingly I learned to get organized this past year. 2012 NEEDS to be the year we get rid of every single junk drawer and abolish the lazies from this house. When we move at some point, my dream is to pack boxes and go. No sorting, having to make trips to Goodwill, etc. Just have what we need and have already shared what we don't.
5. How to Use Makeup to Look AwakeWork, ministry, marriage and two kids under 3 was the anthem of 2011. I felt like a zombie for most of the year - but good news, 2012! We've got the faux alertness thing down!
- line the inner lower lashes with white eyeliner (but be careful to not look like a clown or GaGa)
- apply mascara at an outward angle for both eyes
- use a makeup primer and an illuminator. ALWAYS.
Simple. How did I get into my 30s not knowing this? Idiot.
6. Stop Negative Self-TalkIt's true that people either usually really like me and end up hating my guts, or don't like me at first and then end up loving me. However, despite whatever side of the fence you're on, truth be told I am my own worst enemy.

(click older posts to continue......)