Please let me know via Facebook or my blog if you can help. Please do not think someone else will do it. Because they don't. It's up to you.
Okay blog readers, when did it become okay to put up Christmas decorations right after Halloween? I am really feeling the pressure to get going with holiday things between producing a Christmas production, trying to budget for gifts, etc. Before we know it, Christmas is gonna start right after 4th of July!
So many of you have seen my pleas to get involved before, and I thank you so much for always taking note of it. It is refreshing to hear encouragement, prayers and stories about how you are going to help Royal Stage, or even better, how Royal Stage has helped you.
We are currently at our maximum capacity. We have the funds to function, but like many other great groups right now, it is a struggle to meet our demand with what we have. This is mainly because so many participants need scholarships, and we don't want to turn anyone away. However, we also do not want to compromise the quality of our acting, singing and dance coaches or the outreaches we take on.
I suppose you could say the ultimate dream of Royal Stage is to sustain what we have, and to rejoice as we continue to outgrow - which we definitely are starting to!
I will be totally straight with you here - I have 800 facebook friends, and I know every single one of them personally. I've been blessed to have wonderful friendships at each season of life, and I cherish the memories and current happenings of each one of them. So, as a friend, I am confiding in you that I am going to have to step down from ministry fully if I am unable to both work hard to meet all the demands of this group and support my family.
You have all been such joyful givers, but now we really need to push through this holiday season to get enough funds to scholarship dancers, pay our staff, plan our shows and outreaches, and most importantly - continue to tithe to the two other causes we believe in:
- Clean water for Africa
- A new life for those being imprisoned by human sex trafficking. (Sacramento is one of the cities in the United States with the biggest occurrence of child prostitution. Imagine the increase of joy in lives as they are caught up in dance and drama classes at an early age in the inner city, rather than wandering around and feeling useless. Good self worth can prevent such heartbreaking situations).
Our goal is to raise $1000 monthly support for this amazing group. God has provided for us in so many ways, He has never let us down. But we are also fully aware He uses people to get this done. Royal Stage has been just a phenomenal part of my life, as well as many, many others. We would love to share those amazing stories with you.
Please consider looking into your heart and committing to donate just $5 or $10 per month to help keep everything not only going, but growing. We can thank you through regular newsletters, advertising spots if you own a business, and other ways you will be blessed.
If you are a Christian, you know you are partnering with us in something incredible and eternal. Changing girls' lives one at a time. If you are not really all about the Jesus thing, you can still be an amazing friend and support because it is important to me. I will commit to do my best in encouraging you in the things that are important to you!
Thank you so, so much for reading this. I love your heart <3
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