Thanksgiving was a fabulous time of doing absolutely nothing. Sam is blessed with some super doting grandparents, and my mom soaked up every moment with him over the past four days. This meant sending him out at 6am when he woke up, and crawling back into bed with Frank and sleeping as long as I wanted. Thank you, mommy. Best Thanksgiving treat EVER.

Storytime with Nonna
Another shout out to my mom for being the reigning queen of Thanksgiving feasts. Everything tasted amazing, and this year she insisted on replicating my grandmother's homemade stuffing. AMAZING. I ate myself into a coma and was quite content.

Sam was at the table long before the food was.

Our big struggle is always leaving toys behind. My parents keep the house well stocked for when Sam comes, but my mom always attempts to send toys home with us. I refuse to take them - we already have a very indulged boy - we don't need extra!
This time, when I said it was time to go, he grabbed his toy dinosaurs and made a break for it.

So now we have dinosaurs. Oh well. At least it's a cool toy mommy likes to play with too.
So Sam got away with some toys. And I got away with a relaxing weekend. Winners!